Pip Overpayment

clivelate Online Community Member Posts: 26 Contributor
Hi, Approx 18 months ago, I had a Pip review booklet arrive at my home, as I had claimed Pip before, I had a 3 year award, and it was getting close to the 3 year review date.

I filled in the booklet,and I heard nothing for over a year, I kept getting letters telling me due to covid my award had had an extension of an extra 3 months, this kept happening for over a year, until recently I got a date for a over the phone consultation, this was done, and I awaited the result, it took about 8 weeks before i got the result.

A week ago, I got the letter telling me my award has now changed, ive now been awarded lower rate of both sections of Pip, before this I had no award for the Mobility part of Pip but full award for the daily living part (I dont agree with the lowering of my award for the living part, ive requested a M.R)

I have had a large payment go into my bank which i guess is for the Mobility part of pip, which was back dated from approx 18 months ago (yes i had to wait for that long for the consultation) but the thing that worries me is on the letter it says i have been paid to much money, and a letter will be coming explaining the over payment,and I may have to pay it back.

I have not done anything to cause this overpayment, it looks like to me they are saying they paid me the full daily living amount, but it should have been paid only the lower rate of it which is what the consutation says and the reward that i have been given, if this does turn out to be the case, do i really have to pay this money back, im not a fault here at all, it wasnt down to me the consultation took so long, every day now im looking at the letterbox waiting for this letter to arrive, if this is what caused the over payment, can they force me to repay this money??



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,050 Championing
    This makes no sense. You had a large payment into your bank potentially for the mobility part and then in the decision letter it says you may have an overpayment. DWP are well known for sending letters that make no sense but this is ridiculous.
    If you owed them money then i don't understand why they didn't take it from the money they owed you. If it was me then i'd ring them to ask what's going on.
  • clivelate
    clivelate Online Community Member Posts: 26 Contributor
    edited April 2023

    Yes i agree, they paid in over 2 thousand pounds into my account from August 2021 to April 2023.

    Then the next line says and I quote the letter word for word:

    unfortunately we have paid you too much money, you will get a letter from us shortly to tell you more about this and let you know know if you need to pay any money back.

    I dont get this at all, I dont know yet the details as im still waiting for the letter to arrive, but if they are saying they paid me the full daily living part of Pip, from the 2
    dates listed above, explain to me, why the letters kept saying my award
    had been given an extension, now it seems ive not scored enough points
    (in fact I scored 11 points but needed 12 for full daily living part of
    Pip), they want there money back, I did phone Pip, and I spoke to
    someone, he said he couldnt help, he had no idea, and to wait for the
    letter, but i was phoning to let them know im asking for a M.R. so that is why he couldnt help he claimed