Dla and universal credit

wills95 Online Community Member Posts: 28 Connected
Just a quickie, if my sons DLA gets approved once I let universal credit know will they also backdate the disabled child element to when the award began ? Or does that start from when you inform them? As my claim is looking to take around 15/16 weeks 
thank you :) 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,045 Championing
    You'll be entitled to the disabled child element from the assessment period in which the DLA claim started, so backdated to when you first applied. If he's awarded any rate of DLA then you'll be entitled to the lower disabled child element. If he's awarded high rate care then you'll be entitled to the higher disabled child element.

    Also if he's awarded either mid/high rate care and you look after him for at least 35 hours per week then you'll be able to claim carers element of UC. (unless you're also claiming the LCWRA element for yourself and then you can't claim carers element)
  • wills95
    wills95 Online Community Member Posts: 28 Connected
    Thank you that’s really helpfull!