Go for Pip tribunal or apply for adp?

cfc1881 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
Hi guys I’m wondering wether I should appeal my mandatory reconsideration at tribunal , and my options I lost enhanced daily living and standard mobility, to enhanced mobility and zero points for living when I had receive points in previous claims, don’t know how they gave me absolutely zero points? I’m in Scotland too and wondering if I could appeal or best to try and apply for adult disability payment? Any help would be greatly appreciated 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,050 Championing
    It's entirely up to you what you do. However, if you apply for ADP and you're successfully awarded it will only be paid from the date you rang to start your claim. I believe there's backlogs for ADP decisions of anything up to about 6 months, maybe longer.
    If you take it to Tribunal for the PIP decision and you win you will receive money owed from the date your PIP was stopped. The Tribunal could take several months, at least.
  • cfc1881
    cfc1881 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    My partner says I’m best to appeal the decison for the pip and wait u til they move my claim automatically to ADP, don’t know when that is however, I also have a mobility car instead of my enhanced mobility part. So if I cancel my claim for pip and try adp I would lose my mobility car? It’s a lot of money to lose and especially in this climate cost of living etc, I have counselling through my nuerologist who I’ve seen three times since having major seizures, March last year. And counselling starts may this year dealing with epilepsy and that alone even the side effects of the medication I’m on has been terrible but keeping me seizure free. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,050 Championing
    cfc1881 said:
    My partner says I’m best to appeal the decison for the pip and wait u til they move my claim automatically to ADP, don’t know when that is however, I also have a mobility car instead of my enhanced mobility part. So if I cancel my claim for pip and try adp I would lose my mobility car? It’s a lot of money to lose and especially in this climate cost of living etc, I have counselling through my nuerologist who I’ve seen three times since having major seizures, March last year. And counselling starts may this year dealing with epilepsy and that alone even the side effects of the medication I’m on has been terrible but keeping me seizure free. 

    Apologies, i misread your question and read it as you were refused PIP. I see you have Enhanced mobility so this means you can't cancel your PIP award, it doesn't work like that. If you disagree with the decision you first need to request the Mandatory Reconsideration. (MR) Unless you've already done the MR stage. If you have then you can request the Tribunal.

    If your mobility award was increased from Standard to Enhnaced was this a recent decision? If so i don't understand how you've got a motability vehicle when you were only claiming standard mobility. You must have Enhanced mobility for this.
  • cfc1881
    cfc1881 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    Sorry @poppy123456 I was receiving enhanced daily and standrd mobility, for 9 months up until my review, which I only done a change of circumstances new meds etc as I was in a coma major seizures then diagnosed with frontal lobe epilepsy, anyway made that call an done forums etc. I believe it was the lady on the phone at the telephone assessment made misjudgments or hasn’t seen my medical evidence, or taken into account my partner even being my carer, that’s stopped to since dwp changed my daily award? the claim which has been reduced to nothing for daily, and enhanced on mobility for planning following journeys , we did the MR. And it’s has stayed the same until 2025. It’s a lot to lose out on. Plus my needs have only gotten worse. I have requested welfare rights help from epilepsy Scotland , just waiting on the MR notice letter so we can go ahead with it. I don’t see how I can possibly score zero. No points for living atall 
  • cfc1881
    cfc1881 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    @Prometheus2020 yeah we’ll my partner and myself did the forum change of circumstances, sent a lot of evidence too, but my local cab officer helped me do the MR which has not changed it’s stayed the same., not changing there decison. so now we go to tribunal as we need to get across the affects this has all had being diagnosed with epeilepesy, on top of my fluxotein and propanolol I take for depression and anxiety, quality of life has went down I’m lost lots weight medication making me worse on days temper is shorter, had 6 seizures in the house in front my wee kids which led to the hospital Was in coma, bit through my tounge, hurt my head,. So I’m seizure free now but I have a lot side effects an also my mental health it’s hard to get that across if your disability is not particularly visible?  I get councseilin through my neurologist to been on various meds over the past decade I dot. See how they can score zero. Lady also asked if I was suicidal, which set me bak an was a hard call just wanted it over with, had that December the 15th on my phone assessment 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,050 Championing
    You don't need witnesses because you're not on trial.