Strange payment confused

sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 185 Empowering
Hi I hope everybody is doing well.
i Have posted here documenting my journey with an Sdp backdated payment.

Today when checking my bank I saw an inward payment for almost double the amount I get paid every fortnight which is strange for 2 reasons, 1 is I’m not suppose to get money until tomorrow and 2 it had a weird payment reference of gb cps fp acc3.

the amount makes no sense to me at all and I know when If I call them tomorrow they will tell me nothing except my claim is clerical and off the system.

I been trying to not think about this Sdp situation as causing me a lot of stress.
but how can I not question things I have no idea about like this payment today. 

Any help would be much appreciated.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,032 Championing
    edited May 2023
    The letters fp suggests fast payment. As your claim has gone clerical then fast payment makes sense. 

    Other than that I’m afraid I can’t help you because what ever I suggest it can only ever be a guess. You will need to wait until tomorrow and ring them. 

  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 185 Empowering
    Thanks for reply Poppy.
     Yeah I’m completely clueless when I saw Cps I thought it was the crown prosecution service.
    I will call them just a strange amount makes no sense however I try to calculate it.
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,682 Championing
    As far as I can see this is just a faster payment done manually (GB =Great Britain; CPS = Central Payment System, & FP = Fast Payment, ACC3 being the account it was made from). I can't comment on the amount you've received, but hopefully another member can. Perhaps this is a separate payment for the SDP you mention?
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 185 Empowering
    Thanks for reply chiarieds as much as I don’t want to I’m gonna call them in the morning.
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,682 Championing
    Hope you get some answers tomorrow. :)
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,032 Championing
    edited May 2023
    Thinking about this because you said the payment was almost double what you usually receive. Could it be the SDP for each week, as well as the 10.1% increase in benefits?
    Before the increase your weekly amount was £135.35/week (£270.70/fortnight) without the SDP.

    With the SDP and the increase your weekly amount will be £225.25/week (£450.90/fortnight) not quite almost double but a considerable amount more than what you used to receive.
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 185 Empowering
    Really? That seems a massive jump? You are a lot closer with your calculations than I when I tried. I was paid 440 for the fortnight.

    but they told me in past phone call they wouldn’t add the Sdp to my claim separately as they wouldn’t want me to owe them money if I didn’t qualify, again all very confusing.
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 185 Empowering
    Ok maybe it’s starting to make sense cos I’m having £5 deducted a week for past overpayment so that would make it 440 minus the two five pounds deductions.

    hopefully this means things are moving now and won’t have to wait much longer for outcome.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,032 Championing
    sd100 said:
    Really? That seems a massive jump? You are a lot closer with your calculations than I when I tried. I was paid 440 for the fortnight.

    Yes really. The new calculation will be something like this.
    ESA Single person £84.80
    Support Group component £44.70
    Enhanced disability premium £19.55
    SDP Single person £76.40
    Total amount £225.45/week. (£450.90/fortnight)

    With the £5/week deduction then the amount you received is correct. Don't forget benefits increased by 10.1% from April and you also have the SDP added.
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 185 Empowering
    Oh my, I have really been struggling financial all this time. If not for my brother and mum to lend me money when short I would have been in dire straits.

    this will be a massive difference and I will be able to support myself without having to ask for favours or borrow no more, 

    when I was always short I used to think oh well this is just life and have to accept it.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,032 Championing
    The SDP increases your ESA quite significantly, I know it helps me a lot. 

    Glad to hear that it will help you a lot too and hopefully you will be able to live a little more comfortably financially. 

    I hope it’s not too much longer before you have a decision on the money that you’re owed. 
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 185 Empowering
    Thanks poppy yes it will make a difference for sure.

    I spoke to a lovely lady today from esa and she confirmed that Sdp has been put on for me and it’s still gonna take more time to calculate back pay. I explained to her the stress it was causing me not knowing what’s happening and she was very sympathetic and said she will get to the bottom of it today for me.
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 185 Empowering

    I’ve tried to embrace myself for either outcome if they say sorry it was your fault for not telling us sooner and give me nothing, and the other decision which would be we owe you money which will truly life changing as it’s quite a long time.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,032 Championing
    It’s not unusual for it to take quite sometime for a decision when it’s an historic claim like this. At least they’ve now added the SDP going forward.
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 185 Empowering
    Thanks for your replies poppy you have helped alleviate my stress to some degree through all this, and the lady on phone today was much nicer than others I spoke to and told me not to stress as the situation I’m in is good news not bad news has helped aswell.
    SICKS6SIX Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    as for not being your usual amount that's why you got different pre-fix letters, you got your usual amount plus extra, could be they owed you money or you got a tax rebate or many other payments, they have been combined and so they do not have to adjust your usual payment account they pay from a different account (ACC3) which is the account they use for emergency payments, counter payments or when they owe you money etc, it could be a fortnightly rise in your money and they didn't have time to adjust your account in time so paid you via the ACC 3 account. nothing to worry about, it is all perfectly normal, it would be handy if they told you but they assume everyone knows you can check the prefix letters now online.
    only worry if you get a payment with DP prefix letters because that stands for a DEATH PAYMENT ;-)