PiP phone assessment felted humiliated

catcat Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited May 2023 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
I just had my PiP phone assessment this morning.
Honestly I felted humiliated,as I struggle with Fibromyalgia for many years,lower back back,bilateral sciatica,have to take injections for foot pain,I have uterine fibroids,had pilops removed,I'm waiting to be investigated for endometriosis,I have PCOS for many years,I suffer of anxiety,panic attacks, depression..I suffer of memory,focus, concentration issues because my fibromyalgia that's what doctor s say it's causing it,now I may have tinnitus but I'm being investigated for that by the hospital.. .Apart of that I suffer with dizziness , mental confusion..So I cried eyes out today on the phone because this PIP assessment on the phone, as the lady spoke so fast and I struggled to keep up ,I was trying to explain to her how I was feeling because she was going so fast,and I started crying and she keep speaking over me not allowing me to speak and said she was there to ask how my health issues affect s me and not to ask me how I was feeling..and only had 30 minutes if not would have to stay on the phone for 3 hours ,I just told her how cold she was ,I was disgusted the way I was treated and how disable individual s are treated but PIP...It's like they humiliate us so then they can decide if we worth a extra Pennie or not...My anxiety levels were going off the roof because her quick typing in her computer,I had my phone speaker on so I could listen her properly...So we only deserve 30 minutes of their time were they make invasive questions,made me feel like ****,she also adding things I didn't said and saying I did ...I'm honestly desgusted how people with disabilities are treated,and the government think s it's ok...There's proof from all my health issues and still have to go through this and if they not happy they may call you for a physical examination to humiliate me more and humiliate others more...I'm just wondering do we have any rights or human rights?


  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    It sounds like you had a really difficult PIP phone assessment experience @catcat and I can hear you are feeling humiliated  :(

    You have done so well to reach out to us though and I am glad to see you have joined us. A warm welcome. 

    You are right, you should matter more than this and so do your rights. Even if they are short staffed/timed, you still deserve to feel heard  <3
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,736 Online Community Programme Lead
    Good morning @catcat and a warm welcome to the community.

    I'm sorry to hear about your experience with the PIP phone assessment. If you feel that you were treated unfairly during the assessment process, don't forget that you have the right to make a complaint. 

    Will you be asking for a copy of the assessment report or waiting until they make a decision?