Permitted Work, additional hours.

Mory Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
Hi.  I am reciept of ESA Wrag (pre 2017 rate) and PIP standard care so also get SDP. 
I started doing 7.5 hours of permitted work for a mental health charity about 3 years ago.  I currently earn 364.80 a month which is based on my annual salaray being calculated of 4,379.70 divided by 12.   
364.80/4 = 91.20 a week 
Wheras what I actually get is 84.23 a week in reality - 11.23 an hour x 7.5.

I've been asked to do paid training using addional hours.  But I'm scared the DWP will think my regular weekly salary amount is 91.20 and not the 84.23 a week - which with addional hours (which may vary from week to week) will sometimes take me over the 167 pound a week permitted work limit.   Which will they use?  my monthly pay check or my actual hourly rate. 

Also do you have to inform the DWP (they are already aware that I do permitted work) that your doing extra - it will be for no more than 10 weeks) if you stay below the £167 limit/ 16 hours limit.  

It is worrying me alot, I suffer from an anxiety disorder and awaiting an autism assessment, any dealings with the dwp I find stressful esp as not all of my past ones have been good. 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,032 Championing
    Permitted work rules are that you must not earn more than £167/week and work less than 16 hours per week. If your earnings go above £167/week then you will not be entitled to ESA for that week and your ESA will end. It will be your earnings they will go by. If you earn more and do more hours then you will need to tell them because they will find out if your employer reports your earnings to HMRC.
  • Mory
    Mory Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Thanks for the quick reply :smile:

    Yes I will inform them - They already know I do permitted work but a regular contract of 7.5 hours.  I've never done addional hours before. 

    It's just knowing how the DWP will approach calculating the addional hours I guess that is my concern. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,032 Championing
    Your earnings will be calculated as they always were, which is why you need to make sure you don't earn more than the permitted work earnings. (even though it's only for 10 weeks, the same rules apply)