DLA Renewal - advice needed!

ennazus43 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Connected
Hi everyone 
In the process of applying to renew DLA for my daughter. Got good supporting evidence from professionals but need a reminder on how to complete the form. I know not to just tick the boxes but also to give a written description of the additional help she needs.

I seem to recall last time I was told to give two practical examples per bodily function of how her needs vary from the 'average ' child of her age. Is this still correct? Do I need to elaborate and give examples of how she's been banned from local shops for her meltdowns?
Anything else I should remember when completing the form?

Also, recently removed her from school to Home Educate as they couldn't cope with her. Still have IEPs from Jan of this year I can send, but what do I put in the bit about if she needs help in school? Don't want to say no as she needed help with pretty much everything, but as she's not in school anymore I'm not sure what to put. I could just treat 'school' as home education and describe all the support she's given through it.

All advice welcome, TIA 😊
