alaskajade1987 Online Community Member Posts: 54 Contributor
Hi I am on UC and LCWRA and this month (June ) is when I will receive the increased amounts of the benefits however how is the housing benefit increased since everyone’s rent is different ? I receive £720 a month to cover my flat so does this also get increased? And if so by how much ? And how is it calculated? Many thanks in advance 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,042 Championing
    You will only be claiming housing benefit if you’re either living in supported or temporary housing. If you’re not then your rent will be paid in with your UC known as housing element. 

    Are you privately renting or social housing? Local housing Allowance for privately rented hasn’t increased for quite a few years. 
  • alaskajade1987
    alaskajade1987 Online Community Member Posts: 54 Contributor
    edited May 2023
    I am privately renting … thanks for explaining so u guess the rise doesn’t apply to me?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,042 Championing
    There were no increases to LHA. If you're claiming UC as a single person then you'll be entitled to 1 bedroom rate of LHA, if you're either 35 and over or you're under 25 and in receipt of daily living PIP. If you're under 35 without a PIP daily living award then it's the shared rate of LHA.
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,613 Championing
    As Poppy says, Housing Benefit isn't one of the benefits that was increased for anyone this year.  

    The rest of your Universal Credit (LWCRA) will have increased.  And if you get PIP that will have increased as well.