Mr for pip and from anxiety and depression to possibly ptsd

kj1892 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected
edited May 2023 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hi everyone just a little advice if possible I’ve been awarded top daily living but nothing for mobility literally last week but seen dr this and he thinks I have high chance of ptsd i also have arthritis in shoulder causes loads of struggles wear and tear in lower lumbar spine really painful and struggles cyst and calcification in right kidney constantly feels like a tennis ball in back and hate going out don’t see friends or family so should I ask for mr about mobility or could it backfire any advice thanks 


  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    edited May 2023
    Hey @kj1892. You have done so well reaching out to us. I appreciate the courage it takes to reach out when things are difficult and not as you expect and you are fairly new to the forum.

    In terms of the mobility component, it would depend more on how your mobility is affected than on conditions/disabilities themselves. Did you concentrate on your diagnoses or the impact? You could appeal their decision but we would encourage you to focus on the impact on your mobility, and according to the point descriptors, rather than the diagnoses themselves.

    We cannot guarantee the outcome of an MR but you have no possibility of changing the decision without an appeal/MR whereas with an MR you at least increase the possibility of a different decision. One thing they may also focus on is if anything else, besides mobility, could affect the likelihood of you going out - social anxiety is often something they question here (even if not something you have!). 

    Please do not hesitate to ask us any further questions or let us know if there's anything we can do to support you further with this. We are all here for you  :)
  • kj1892
    kj1892 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected
    Thanks for your reply I’ve spoke to my doctor he’s advised me to not mr it as he’s seen so many people mr it and the lot has been taken back so where I got 13 point for daily living I could actually lose points but I actually don’t go out much as I get very anxious nervous angry etc thanks 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    edited May 2023
    kj1892 said:
    Thanks for your reply I’ve spoke to my doctor he’s advised me to not mr it as he’s seen so many people mr it and the lot has been taken back so where I got 13 point for daily living I could actually lose points but I actually don’t go out much as I get very anxious nervous angry etc thanks 

    This is one reason why you should never speak to any doctor for advice on a benefits claims, they very often have very little knowledge.

    The most likely outcome of any MR is the decision will remain the same. Only about 23% of decisions change in the claimants favour.

    If the decision doesn't change you can proceed to Tribunal where there's about a 70% chance of success, providing you either appear in person or have a video/telephone hearings. If there's a chance of losing points they will warn you before doing this so you can then cancel the appeal if you want to.