PollyPick Online Community Member Posts: 36 Contributor
GOOD MORNING EVERYONE, Its rather coooooooooool at the moment, hoping it get a bit warmer - have managed to get most of the garden up together and bought a couple of solid concrete trucks (I like trucks you see!) but didn't reckon on how I was to get them out of my vehicle when I arrived home????????? silly me eh! anyway managed it somehow with a couple of injuries (very minor) and have little flowers in the trailers. Looking around for something else now very bored with ironing and washing - you know what I mean - nice to have a cuppa outside in the sunshine -
have a good day everyone!


  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,702 Championing

    Good morning yes it’s dull here just now but suns meant to come out after.
    Glad you managed to get the trucks out the car I hope you didn’t hurt yourself to much.
    Enjoy your cuppa in the garden once the suns out.

    Im just getting sorted I have an appointment with the nurse soon. I hope you have a great day.
    I love your user name I have a granddaughter called Polly. 😊

    Take care ❤️
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    Hello @PollyPick

    Glad to hear you are having such a lovely day! :) A cuppa in the garden sounds heavenly right now!