ESA and LCWRA together?

Superbetty Online Community Member Posts: 453 Empowering
Hi, I have just done online benefit calculator, and it said I can apply for a new style ESA, then I read the amount of ESA would be taken of UC, which I have already, so as for me no point of applying. But then I started to read somewhere that if you are on new style ESA, you can claim LCWRA on top of that (actually I thought it says you get LCWRA automatically, but I might be wrong, cannot find this page now).Anyone had any experience with this, please? I did apply for LCWRA, but didn't do anything about New style ESA.
I just want to know, am I right, New style ESA automatically qualifies me for LCWRA? Sounds too good to be true.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,185 Championing
    You've read incorrectly. New style ESA doesn't automatically entitle you to LCWRA. LCWRA is part of UC. If your UC already includes the LCWRA element for yourself then you'll be placed into the Support Group from the 14th week of your claim so your ESA will increase.

    You are correct that a claim for New style ESA will not make you financially better off because it's deducted in full from any UC entitlement, even when it's increased from week 14 of your claim.

    Whether there's any entitlement to New style ESA will depend on your NI contributions in tax years 2020/21 and 2021/22. If you've worked at all in those 2 tax years then you maybe entitled to payments. If you are then it will be worth claiming it because it's not means tested like UC is. You can't predict what may happen in the future and savings/capital and pensions of up to £85/week are disregarded. 
  • Superbetty
    Superbetty Online Community Member Posts: 453 Empowering
    Thank you for clarifying:-)