What 'old fashioned' things do you still do?



  • rustledjimm
    rustledjimm Online Community Member Posts: 91 Empowering
    If you're into PC gaming you almost certainly own a desktop.

    Desktops are still very popular as they are far more powerful than laptops or tablets. Customisable and can just run a lot more than a laptop or tablet. So still quite popular, though no longer standard for computer users.
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    @rustledjimm should have said the average casual user doesn't have one anymore then, yes desktops are still popular among enthusiasts :)
  • Kalps
    Kalps Online Community Member Posts: 75 Empowering
    Forums are still here and there, but indeed they are no longer the go-to way to interact on the internet.

    Ah, I still remember the days of Internet Relay Chat (IRC) and different forums for every subject. It can be easier to find things now, with everything having centralised a touch. However, it's missing that community touch in many places sadly.

    I still use forums, perhaps that is indeed now old-fashioned. I will be honest but I'm struggling to think of other old-fashioned things I do. Is saying the magpie rhyme when you see them old-fashioned?
    MIRC - Microsoft InternetRelay Chat. remember that at Uni!!! 1996 ish
  • Wilshyboy
    Wilshyboy Online Community Member Posts: 256 Empowering
    The old fashioned things I do are I still work out weight in Stones Pounds And Ounces, so instead of my weight being 66 Kilos, i'm 145.5 pounds, and still convert to Pounds Shillings and Pence, So for all you youngsters out there 50p is 10 bob to me, I know i'm probably a bit of a Dinosaur but i think the old English ways are worth hanging on to in this Metrified world.
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    Instead of my weight being 66 kilos, I'm 115 kilos :neutral:
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,792 Championing
    I thought it was more American to weigh people in pounds?  I've always weighed myself in Stone.  And know the rough Kilo conversion for that.  No idea how many pounds I am though.
  • Kalps
    Kalps Online Community Member Posts: 75 Empowering
    Americans weigh in LBS. 
  • Wilshyboy
    Wilshyboy Online Community Member Posts: 256 Empowering
    Fair enough, I'm 10 Stone 9 Pounds and 6 Ounces approximately.
  • Wilshyboy
    Wilshyboy Online Community Member Posts: 256 Empowering
    Forgot to say I'm 5 Feet 5 Inches tall or 1.651 metres as well
  • Kalps
    Kalps Online Community Member Posts: 75 Empowering
    I'm 170cm I'm height & about 67kg. Need to get back to 74kg