Question about carers element

likelyless96 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
edited July 2023 in Universal Credit (UC)
Hello, so I'm now getting LCWRA and but as my wife already gets it she is going to apply for the carer element so I can get that. 

I did the date she started caring for me around two months ago even though its been about a year and a half, i don't really know why wife didn't report she was caring for me I think so much was going on with my health it slipped her mind.

Anyway UC is asking for a valid reason she reported this late in order for it to be backdated but we are not sure what to say, or how to word it so would love some advice.

Thank you


  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    I would have suggested that she put down the correct date she started caring.

    Regardless I suggest that she says that she hadn't previously reported that she was caring because she knew that she could not be paid the carer element because she was LCWRA. She is reporting it out because you are now entitled to LCWRA and she knows that she could now get the carer element. 
  • Tibik
    Tibik Online Community Member Posts: 26 Connected
    If you cite a reason related to mental health and well being, they will not challenge it. If she puts she did not report it because she was overwhelmed with stress and caring responsibilities, found herself experiencing extreme anxiety, or, that stigma and guilt (resulting in depression) about needing help obstructed her, *if these are true* they will have to accept them. 
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Hello there @likelyless96 and thanks for reaching out, I hope our members replies have been helpful for you.

    I also hope you are both managing things okay, as it sounds like things have been tough going. If you have any other questions or need support, please ask and we'll do what we can to help out :)