Worried after CES surgery

madee93 Community member Posts: 51 Listener
Hi I have suffered with sciatica for years now but in march this year i had emergency surgery on my spine L4-L5 discectomy and decompression for cauda equina syndrome...however its now 3 months on and my back feels the same as it did before the op..so if they had decompressed the nerve why do I feel like this again...I'm worried something has happened again as I definatly do not feel any different apart from the emergency level of burning and pain of my foot and leg is not present any more, although I have been left with nerve damage in my foot and leg and cannot feel sensation or pressure...can anyone advise or relate? 


  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,906 Championing
    Hello @madee93

    Welcome to the community! :) 

    I am sorry to hear you had to go through emergency surgery and still feel the same. Have you brought all this up with your GP or specialist? Can I also ask, do you have support around you?