Hi, my name is alisonw23! When I get my UC and will it include any back payments?

alisonw23 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
edited July 2023 in Universal Credit (UC)
Hi I have been awarded Lwcra  I applied for PIP last year but wasn’t awarded 
then I was asked to fill in a form about my capability to look for work, I knew nothing of this benefit but have been submitting fit notes to UC since before December last Year for Depression and severe Anxiety.Then I had a telephone call at the end of June to discuss m condition logged on my journal a week later to learn I have been awarded this extra benefit  which I’m so grateful for . But I’m confused because I don’t know what I’m owed I started putting fit notes in before last Christmas but didn’t fill the form in for Lwcra till maybe May plus now I’ve been awarded will I get my first payment on the 14th July as that’s when I get my UC and will it include any back payments is my question thank you 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    When it's paid from exactly will depend on the answer to these 2 questions.

    What date exactly did you first report your health condition/send your first fit note?

    What date do you usually receive your money each month?
  • alisonw23
    alisonw23 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    my health condition was first reported to universal credit  in December by way of fit notes. I was given a section 21  which sent me under mega anxious not coping at all distracted unable to look for work so my work coach suggested I see my mental health worker and dr and ask for a note to take the pressure off me as I was a state crying upset very low which they did, I’ve been putting fit notes in every month up to present time so 7 months altogether
  • alisonw23
    alisonw23 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    My universal credit is paid on the 14th of each month 
    the amount is the same for July as yet 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    You didn't answer this question.

    What date exactly did you first report your health condition/send your first fit note?

    December doesn't help because there's 31 days in that month. Without knowing that date then your first payment will be either April or May.

    If you've only just received the decision then there won't be enough of time to include the LCWRA element in your claim this month. Any money owed will be paid separately and often takes quite a few weeks to pay it.
  • alisonw23
    alisonw23 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    Hi I alway renew my fit note on or around the 4th of each month as they have run on from each other I would say 4th of December 2022 was when I first reported my health condition
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    You can check on your journal the exact date you reported it. Based on the information you gave your waiting period will be Dec to March.. LCWRA starts from assessment period 8th March to 7th April and first payment will be 14th April.

    Please note that the advice i give is based on the information you provided.