Join the Young People Advisory Group for two new cerebral palsy trials!

Richard_Scope Posts: 3,719 Cerebral Palsy Network

Are you aged 14-21 years with cerebral palsy (CP) and able to walk?

Would you like to help make two new research studies for children and young people with CP fun and interesting to take part in?

The SPELL trial will find out if an exercise programme to stretch the muscles of young children with CP is better than their usual NHS physiotherapy programme.

The ROBUST trial will find out if an exercise programme to strengthen the muscles of young people with CP is better than their usual NHS physiotherapy programme.

We need volunteers to join the SPELL and ROBUST Young People Advisory Group (YPAG)!

The Young People Advisory Group may help with thinking about things like:

•How to encourage children and young people to take part and to finish the trial
•Ways to make the study easy and fun for children and young people to take part in

•How to create clear, fun trial materials for children and young people

•Tackling difficulties e.g. with recruitment, or keeping children and young people in the trial*

What’s involved?

•YPAG meetings will be online for 1-2 hours about 3 times a year (for almost 4 years).

There will be up to 2 hours of reading to do before meetings.

Why take part? 

•You could help improve outcomes for hundreds of children and young people with CP!

•It will be interesting, fun, and something a little bit different (and great on your CV)!

Your time will be reimbursed with a gift voucher!

 To take part please email by the 21st of July 2023.

SPELL and ROBUST are led by Professors Tim Theologis and Sally Hopewell,     University of Oxford.

YPAG members will be unable to take part in ROBUST.