LCWRA backpay

3milliexx Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
Hi so I applied for LCWRA which they put me in the LCW category so I appealed it and then went to tribunal . The date for tribunal was yesterday but I got a call 2 hours before to tell me good news and that the judge and the doctor have seen enough evidence and the case has gone in my favour , so no need for my tribunal hearing... RELIEF! 

I'm just wondering if anyone can help me see if I will be due any backdate please? 

I first reported a health change . 30th March 2022
First fit note . 29th April 2022
There was a gap between fit notes from19th December until 30th Jan as the Dr who usually does it was on holiday and the receptionist didnt realise . The Dr did write a note on the fit note to say he couldn't change the date (against the law) but all symptoms and illness has been the same since the last sick note . All other sick notes have been consecutive and I have still been uploading them to my journal. My last one runs out this month - July (even though I no longer need them now) 

If anyone could help me work out if I will be due any backdate I would be grateful thanks. 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,291 Championing
    The waiting period starts from when you provided evidence of your health condition. (29th April 2022) Usually you need to provide fit notes without any gaps until a decision is made on your WCA. The gap could affect when the extra money is paid from. It will be down to a decision maker to make the final decision.

    If they accept the gap then first payment will either be Aug or Sept 2022, depending on what date you usually receive your money each month.

    I don't think it's against the law to backdate a fit note, lots of GPs do. However, DWP do usually accept backdated fit notes.
  • 3milliexx
    3milliexx Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    That's brill thanks for your help I'll wait and see if they accept it or should I contact anyone to explain the gap? Thanks 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,291 Championing
    I would wait for now. It can take anything up to 8 weeks to put your award into payment after a Tribunal win anyway.
  • 3milliexx
    3milliexx Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Brilliant . Thanks for help