PIP call, has anyone experienced this before?

Sham Community member Posts: 7 Listener
edited July 2023 in PIP, DLA, and AA
I recently was diagnosed with a carcinoid tumor in my lung. So macmillian benefit advisor suggested I apply for pip so I did with the help of him helping me fill out the forms. So the other day I got a call from a number I didn't recognise and it was a nurse saying she was from the pip assessment and she would like to ask me a few questions. I was on this call for around 3mins and she said that was all she needed good luck with my treatment and I should hear back from pip with a decision within 3/4 weeks. This was strange as I'm sure the assessment im supposed to get a letter with an appointment and I thought it would have been face to face. Has anyone else had a similar experience I cant help but worry that I wasn't asked enough questions and I could be refused pip? I did receive a text message from pip on Thursday saying they have received a written report and will make a decision on my pip. Thanks for reading and please let me know if you have experienced this before. 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,833 Championing
    You've had what's known as a paper based assessment. The reason for the call was because they just needed to ask you some questions before writing the report. These are rare but they do happen sometimes.

    Once the report is returned to DWP a decision can take anything up to about 12 weeks, rather than the 3/4 you were advised.
  • martymart
    martymart Community member Posts: 29 Contributor
    I’m have severe hearing loss and did request face to face appointment but a Scottish lady rang my phone so could not hear her so my husband dealt with the call, ultimately when the paperwork came through it stated I was hearing her quite well and was laughing on the phone. This decision did go to court and yes I won as had lots of information supporting my claim. Since the I have had to reapply and had face to face but when asked if they had loop system I was advised no!!! Just turn hearing aids up. I have had decision letter advising I have been awarded PIP .