Pip tribunal

woodstar1984 Community member Posts: 78 Connected
edited July 2023 in PIP, DLA, and AA
Hi all. So after a long draining  process with dwp refusing pip i went to tribunal after 17months of fighting to be awarded enhanced daily living. I would like know how long the payment takes alot of claiments on here have said 6 to 8 weeks sometimes longer like 6months.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    Great news. After a Tribunal win it can take up to about 8 weeks for DWP to pay what is owed and put your award into payment. 
    Those 6 months you read was highly likely referring to the timescale for new claim decisions. 
  • woodstar1984
    woodstar1984 Community member Posts: 78 Connected
    OK poppy thanks been a long draining process but I never gave up fighting some ppl on here have the payment before award letter 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,906 Championing
    That's great to hear @woodstar1984 I'm glad you were awarded :) 
  • woodstar1984
    woodstar1984 Community member Posts: 78 Connected
    @ hannah_scope thankyou well.after being rejected 3times I went tribunal which again was a long process but I never gave up and got a result just got to wait for award notice to be posted I will wait for a week then if no contact has been made  I will call them with my support worker 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    Before DWP make a payment they will contact you to ask if you’ve been in prison or hospital. Once that is done they will soon pay what is owed. As previously advised it can take up to 8 weeks. 
  • woodstar1984
    woodstar1984 Community member Posts: 78 Connected
    Yes thankyou I got the call from dwp on the 2 August  2023 asking the questions as stated have I been in hospital prison etc and it will take 3 to 5 days for the money to be sent through 
  • woodstar1984
    woodstar1984 Community member Posts: 78 Connected
    Hi all so after having a tribunal and won then on the second of August I had a call from Dwp asking a few questions then they mentioned I would get back pay in the next 3 to 5days so I checked my account this morning and its for a 150 disability cost of living payment not the backpayment do they said out col 1st confused.com 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    Hi all so after having a tribunal and won then on the second of August I had a call from Dwp asking a few questions then they mentioned I would get back pay in the next 3 to 5days so I checked my account this morning and its for a 150 disability cost of living payment not the backpayment do they said out col 1st confused.com 

    Question answered on your thread here https://forum.scope.org.uk/discussion/108773/pip-150-disability-payment-before-pip-backpay#latest

  • Dipsydee
    Dipsydee Community member Posts: 22 Connected
    What are they asking about being in hospital. I.e. When what for  how long for? Is it for the period since tribunal or anytime from assess to tribunal.
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 6,743 Online Community Coordinator
    Heya @Dipsydee this is a fairly old post, so I'm hoping their issue has been sorted now. :) 

  • Dipsydee
    Dipsydee Community member Posts: 22 Connected
    Sorry Albus. Not sure of your response. The posts was referring to winning tribunal but dwp ring claimants to ask questions about hospital etc. before payment. My question was referring to that.
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 6,743 Online Community Coordinator
    The comment you're responding to is from August  @Dipsydee so you may not get a reply from the original poster.   The DWP usually asks about hospital stays etc, but will specify within a certain time frame. 

  • Dipsydee
    Dipsydee Community member Posts: 22 Connected
    And that can be any time frame. I.e when and/or how long in hospital. As in, was it for more than 4 weeks. Was it during or after appeal.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    Dipsydee said:
    What are they asking about being in hospital. I.e. When what for  how long for? Is it for the period since tribunal or anytime from assess to tribunal.

    If it was a new claim to start with then it will be from then. If it was a review then it will be from the date the decision was made. It really depends on each individual case.

    However, as Albus has advised, this is now an old thread and the member hasn't been active since August.