Mobility scooter and carrying crutches

andrewkuk Scope Member Posts: 79 Contributor
Hi - I have a mobility scooter that fits in the car boot when I'm able to go out. I need my crutches to walkabout and purchased a bag that fits over the back of the mobility scooter seat. It has sleeves for crutches as I'm 6 foot two tall matches are way too big and stick out, I've looked at all the folding chairs online and they don't seem to make them for people of 6 foot two. What do other people do to carry their crutches when they're out and about? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards, Andrew 


  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 5,409 Scope Online Community Specialist
    Hi @andrewkuk, did you ever manage to find some crutches that worked for you?
  • andrewkuk
    andrewkuk Scope Member Posts: 79 Contributor
    Hi @andrewkuk, did you ever manage to find some crutches that worked for you?
    Hi - nothing yet. I called and asked about the kit that Care-Co sell to fix to the bottom of the scooter but they didn't know what was in the alternative fixture kit! So still looking for options. There seems to be a gap in the market for foldable crutches for taller people. Cool Crutches said they had been trying to produce some but nothing available at present. Regards Andrew