UC and College/Education - commitments

Smarties Online Community Member Posts: 29 Listener
edited August 2023 in Universal Credit (UC)
Hi all

I’m thinking of starting college in September which will be 2 days a week and a total of 12 and a half hours to 13 hours. 
I’m not sure if I will go ahead i am just thinking about it. as I suffer with my mental health and have a lot of bad days and good days so I never know how I will be from one day to the next and how this course will effect me. But I would like advice please to understand how it works. 

I currently receive LCWRA and waiting a review reassessment. 

I have looked online entitled to confirm that this would be classed as full time course is this correct? 

Full-time education

For Universal Credit full-time education courses include:

  • advanced education
  • non-advanced education of more than 12 hours a week
If you are studying a full time course and don’t have LCWRA would you be expected to have work commitments or appointments in job centre or would they not expect you to have any commitments due to studying full time?



  • bg844
    bg844 Online Community Member Posts: 3,883 Championing
    edited August 2023
    If you receive PIP, you can study freely. Be aware that if there's any maintenance loans available to you, this will reduce your UC.

    If you meet the other limited criteria for studying whilst claiming UC, you are correct in saying that you'd still be expected to meet your commitments and it is down to your Work Coach to decide these (if you have one).
  • Smarties
    Smarties Online Community Member Posts: 29 Listener

    Thank you for your advice greatly appreciated, 

    yes I receive standard pip. 

    By freely do you mean study the course for free? 

    No maintenance loans available there is just a college bursary which is for a travel pass and lunch meal credit at college only so money would not be paid directly to me.

    Regarding the work commitments would this still happen UC class this course as full time? As I have been advised by someone that if you are in education doing a full time course this does stop work commitments and appointments until course finishes. Is this true? 

    And if this course was 12 and a half or 13 hours would they class this as full time?

     Entitled to confirm that if the education is more then 12 hours a week UC would class this as a full time course. 

    I think the course will be 12 and a half hours or 13 hours a week. 

    Thank you 

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    edited August 2023
    As you have been found to have LCWRA then you have no work commitments anyway. If the review decision is anything but this then the rules would be different.

    The college/Uni will tell you whether the course is part or full time but providing your LCWRA continues it will make no difference anyway. 

    One thing you do need to be aware of is if the course you’re doing contradicts the reasons why you were found to have LCWRA then it could go against you.