Finding days out so hard just don't know what to do.

APS2019 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
My eldest child has Autism and my youngest doesn't. Days out are often so hard with refusal to walk, he often gets stuck on things he sees he enjoys and won't move then I'm forced to try and carry him away and he gets very violent I just don't know what to do. I don't want to be unfair to my youngest child who loves days out. I really need help, I feel so guilty. 


  • MPowell_1991
    MPowell_1991 Online Community Member Posts: 83 Contributor

    Have you considered local groups that may be able to offer a social outlet for your child with autism?

    There could be support groups avaliable. I appreciate this doesn't answer your question, but just trying to offer some support 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    Hello @APS2019

    Welcome to the community! :) 

    Please don't feel guilty. I see MPowell suggested local groups for your child with autism which is a really great idea. Some will include families in a similar position to yours. Where they have children with autism and without. Meaning both your children will have lots of things to do :) 

    I'd also look at your local library. They are hosting different things from Lego building, to arts and crafts and some are doing sensory time for children with autism. 

    Can I ask, do you have support around you? My friend has three children and one has autism. Her sister who is dubbed the "favourite aunt" does chill home days with two of them at a time. Arts and crafts, movies...etc That way all the kids get one on one time with their parents and a fun day out. And if you didn't want to do one on one is there someone who can support who can come out with you all? If your oldest wants to stop and your youngest wants to move on you can split for a bit?