g7iqj Online Community Member Posts: 99 Contributor
PHEW that was quick .  AGE 59  due to accident & work 25 + yrs back have back spine , mobility issues .  BEEN  claiming UC  since may 2023 .   JUST  had MRI  SCAN  issues  with L2-L5.  SPINE .  REF to orphopedic surgeon  sep 6th 2023 , pending operation . BEEN  supplying dwp/ uc  fit notes current to 30th sep .  RETURNED  uc50   3rd august 2023 . JUST  had letter  WCA   PHONE ASSETNMENT  FRI 25 AUG 2023 9AM/ 12  PM    BRISTOL  AREA , VERY QUICK .   ATM   Cant stand more 1 -2 minuites or walk more 20 meteres  with aid walking stick .  STAND  pain goes from  2- 5  IF try walk with stick pain goes from 5, extreme 8  SCATICA  kicks in  back right leg  unstable on feet forced to sit down  with in 25 meteres ..  CANT  cook for myself  as try stand & move hot saucepans around is dangerous  fanily do cooking , need help with dressing  likes socks  shoes  cant bend fully .  Cant walk up down stairs  crew on all fours going up  the 6 steps  come down  sat on bottom  use stick rail & bottom stand back up .  self  propel wheel chair no good as want   fit around  house FORCE needed try self propel  brings on scatica / back pain  . Use aids handles , +help to get in out seated shower . DONT   go out to places unknown / attempt cross main roads .  So dont go far    I AVOID  standing walking as much possable  it  causes pain scatica unstable on my feet  . MY day  spent  sitting 60% // 30%  lye down  most comfortable . 10% wash eating , toilet needs moving  .  ATM  not fit to do & lot yet alone  be forced back to work .  CANT  do lot what  needs walking / standing to do it  .   FIT note  covers me to 30th sep 2023 .    BIT  joke theses asseors so i told  can  be uneconmical in there reports DWP  destion  makers go 60% asseors report  40% on spechialists / gp reports . HOPEFULLY  after  orphopedics OP  may get some  mobilty  back as was to stand/ walk  up 50 meteres unaided . Get some form normal life back    NOT ATM . ANY ADVICE  for forth coming PHONE assetnment . AS bad enougth with  daily pain  alone.  + having cope  to do MR ,   TRIBUNRAL  if needed.   ADRIAN 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    edited August 2023
    The good news is that about 67% of claimants are found to have LCWRA or placed into the Support Group (ESA)
    One of the most common questions on the UC section here is "i've been awarded LCWRA when can i expect to receive payment."

    Make sure you answers the questions with as much detail as possible. Avoid answers with just a yes or no. By doing this the assessor can come to their own conclusions. The assessment can last anything from 20 to 120 minutes sometimes longer.
  • g7iqj
    g7iqj Online Community Member Posts: 99 Contributor
    YOU can only do your best  tell the truth  on  how limited mobility  effects you  day/ day .  PHEW 2 hrs bit long . WE see