Hi, my name is LyndaW! I have had ST for many years

LyndaW Community member Posts: 1 Listener
I am 70 years old and although I have had ST for many years it has become much more of a problem recently.  I had a severe incident last year and now I cannot walk very far at all.  I am taking paracetamol x 4 times a day with Ibrobrufen for break through pain, which is all the time.  Drs. seem to have dismissed me despite being very helpful this time in 2022.


  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 4,363 Online Community Specialist
    Hi @LyndaW, first of all welcome to the community. I hope you not only get the support and advice you're looking for but also make some friends here too :)

    I have not had ST but I have gone through pain I have had to take painkillers everyday, all day for months on end. Not only is it tough physically, it's tough mentally. And it's so tiring. I hope I can try to make it easier for you, even if it's just chatting with you. I'm just going to ask some questions so I can get a clearer picture if that's alright?

    I'm surprised the doctors are simply dismissing you. Do they know how many painkillers you are taking everyday?

    Do you have people around you who can support you? Perhaps someone you can visit the GP with so they can help explain how serious your condition is?

    I am also going to move this to the Chronic Pain  and Pain Management category so further Welcome  Posts from other new users won't hide this one!