Housing benefit cut

Suzanne11 Community member Posts: 5 Listener
Hi I have a question
my housing benefit has being cut because my daughter is 21 shes at University and taken out a loan shes not working  I'm confused  as I thought she has to be working before they cut housing benefits


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing

    As i advised in that thread, i note that you're claiming LCWRA which is part of Universal Credit. This means you'll only be claiming housing benefit for help with your rent if you're living in either supported or temporary housing. If you're not then your rent will be paid as part of UC known as housing element. Housing element of UC is a completely different benefit to housing benefit and has completely different rules. 

    For housing element because your daughter is 21 then there will be a deduction for a non dependant, which is £85.73/month.

    If you or your daughter are either registered blind or claiming either PIP daily living, DLA mid/high rate care or ADP daily living then there will be no non dependant deductions. If neither of you are claiming one of those disability benefits then the deductions are correct.

    Is she able to pay you the shortfall for your rent from her student loan?

  • Suzanne11
    Suzanne11 Community member Posts: 5 Listener
    At the moment we are paying off over £600 rent debt because we weren't informed at the time that my housing benefit would be cut due to my daughter been a non dependant, she's willing to pay whatever she can to help out thanks for the reply. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    You keep referring to it as housing benefit but it's housing element. It's important to know the difference because they are very different, with different rules.

    For housing benefit there's no non dependant deductions for full time students during term time, there would only be a deduction during summer holidays if they work more than 16 hours per week.

    As you can see they are very different and if you're looking on the internet for housing benefit rules for students, this will be why you're getting confused.