g7iqj Online Community Member Posts: 99 Contributor
FILLED out sent back UC50  BRISTOL AREA  ,  3rd august  WCA   25 august    results today 31 august .  fit note goes  to 30th sep . MOBILITY BACK SPINE ISSUE  cant stand more 1-2 minuites aided walk stic k , walk more 20 meteres as leg goes numb scatica  i un stable on feet trip, fail  . NEED  help  dressing , socks etc , DONT prepare food  myself lift heavy sauspans . DONT  climb stairs . HAVE HOSPITAL SPINE CONSULTANTS  APPOINTMENT  6TH SEP Pending  operation  on spine / back .   DWP says i can do some type work not got LCW .   SO  ive fillied for    (MR)  today 31 august   FIT NOTE  runs out 30 sep ,   HOW you expected to  to go awy were do anything with resricted  mobility ?????.  CAN  DWP  force you back towork APPLY FOR WORK  during  MR/ TRIBUNRAL STAGES  //// B4 FIT NOTE EXPIRES  30SEP 2023 .    IAM  59 NOW  BACK ISSUES 37 YRS  now 2nd degenrative changes .  IF need be be going to tribural 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    I’m sorry to hear this. Unfortunately your fit note is now irrelevant, even though it’s until end of September. No further fit notes will be accepted.

    Have you taken a look at the descriptors for LCWRA? You mention your ability to walk but the mobilising descriptor isn’t just about walking. They also look at your ability to use a self propelled wheelchair. You can see them here. https://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/universal-credit-uc/uc-faq/limited-capability-for-work-related-activity

    what is expected of you now will depend on your claimant commitments. 
  • g7iqj
    g7iqj Online Community Member Posts: 99 Contributor
     1 YES cant use wheel chair  triggers my scatica when i try self propell  i GAVE  it go & tesco . 2 want fit round the house doors / halls not wide enougth / 3    How ????  YOU  susspose STAND  fold wheel  chair put it  into/ out  car 1 handed  i  need aid walking stick to stand  up  .   SO  wheel chair UNsuitable for me.    I WAS  hoping  LCW & least //////  lcwra  as mobilty does not just effect  WORK    .  IVE  sent MR request  if needed on to tribunral .  I  CONSULTANT  spine spechialist   appoitnment  wed  6th  sep   may need back // spine opp  to get my mobility back .   &  59 now dont need al stress DWP .   DONT  have commitiments & present  as been supplying  FIT NOTES TO  UC since june 2023  have coach appoitnment  by phone 25th sep  NOT  been able to walk proper current  back issue   for 14 weeks  but have 37 yrs   off back problem history . 
  • g7iqj
    g7iqj Online Community Member Posts: 99 Contributor
    I’m sorry to hear this. Unfortunately your fit note is now irrelevant, even though it’s until end of September. No further fit notes will be accepted.

    Have you taken a look at the descriptors for LCWRA? You mention your ability to walk but the mobilising descriptor isn’t just about walking. They also look at your ability to use a self propelled wheelchair. You can see them here. https://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/universal-credit-uc/uc-faq/limited-capability-for-work-related-activity

    what is expected of you now will depend on your claimant commitments. 
    STRANGE thing is  i did selfassetnment  on benefits & work site .   SCORED  54 POINTS IN TOTAL FOR  LCW/////     SAID BOARDERLINE   FOR LCWRA .        SO   WHY DWP  turned me down for    LCW    as i scored 54 points ????.   IF DWP  now want except fit notes unless i get worse change circumstances .  HOW DO I COME OFF  when i go in hospital for OPERATION ON THE  back/ spine 1 WEEK , FURTHER  6 weeks & home to recover  get mobility back . ????.  
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    I don’t usually advise anyone to use things like the self assessment unless you fully understand the descriptors. It’s very easy to over score yourself. 

    I don’t know what you mean by borderline for LCWRA, I’ve never heard of that before. You either fit the descriptors or you don’t. 

    There’s a high chance the MR may change the decision so hopefully for you it will. 
  • g7iqj
    g7iqj Online Community Member Posts: 99 Contributor
    edited September 2023
      IT   said i scored 54 points  for lcw    I qualify for      LOWCAPACAITY  FOR WORK .     BUT    NOT enougth  points for   limited capacaity forwork & relate issues . lwcra.     I  have mobilise  20 meteres max aid walking stick . TRYED  use wheel chair selfpropell  circular motion  triggers scatica in back  causes pain discomfort .    POINT taken about wheel chairs .  MR  been lodged today 1/ 9/2023  i have  SPINE  consultant  appoitnment wed 6th sep  ive to  1st october to submit any other  eveidence  ref MR .     
  • Community_Scope
    Community_Scope Posts: 1,664 Empowering
    Hello @g7iqj

    Just to let you know, I removed the file you attached to your last post as it had your full name on there. You are more than welcome to reupload with your personal details crossed out :) 
  • Ray212
    Ray212 Online Community Member Posts: 626 Empowering
    The benefits and work site you mention isn't an official DWP site. It is very easy to overscore while using that site.

    Unfortunately the letter you had doesn't actually say you will need an operation, it said you were offered physio or pain management but you wanted to see about surgical intervention which I gather is what your appointment is for? To see if there is anything surgical they can or even will do.

    If you are doing an MR maybe wait until after your appointment on the 6th.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Yes, I know what that self assessment is and you shouldn’t rely on that unless you fully understand the descriptors. 

    For LCWRA it’s not about scoring points. You just need to satisfy at least one of the descriptors. You can see those in the link I provided above. 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    g7iqj says they've done a MR today in their last comment @Ray212
  • Ray212
    Ray212 Online Community Member Posts: 626 Empowering
    chiarieds said:
    g7iqj says they've done a MR today in their last comment @Ray212

    Missed that bit.
  • g7iqj
    g7iqj Online Community Member Posts: 99 Contributor
    Lodged  MR  today . with  6/8/2023  MRI SCAN  report . UC50 went back 3/8/2023 . (  MR) TODAY   1/ 9/ 2023 . have to 1st october 2023 ,  log any other up dates ////  ie spine team reports . BUT  in  MRI reports  says current 1/ 9/2023  mobilise  down from  50 meteres to now MAX  20 METERES  aided.  Which is correct  as reported on  UC50 .  THATS truth  DWP  want except this  I have spine team appoitnment  6/ 9/2023   pending opperation . BUT fact is how can you do anything go anywere  with limited  mobilise 20 meteres standing time aided 1- 2 minuites . Current fit note is to 30 sep 2023 . ALSO  ask via journal for chdc asseors  report /// also via right off access . request @ dwp .gov.uk . NOT HEARD NOTHING YET   MY assetnment was by phone 25/8/2023 .     & 59 dont need all the stress from DWP . 
  • g7iqj
    g7iqj Online Community Member Posts: 99 Contributor
    IN the  short term all i asks  is to be given time to sort issue out , with spechialsts  SPINE TEAM  1 MOUTH / 6 MOUTHS +  . BECAUSE  back log & NHS  long wait mouths up to 18 mouths .   START , FIN  but  UC/  /  WCA  UC50  now forced on u after little 1 mouth 29 days supplying fit notes .   I  CERTAINLY NOT  fit for work ATM .  YES uc is & inworks top up , not sick benefit . IF u can claim SSP  you Get 26 weeks 6 mouths to recover  b4 SSP  ends  I do wish to go back to work  .NOT BULLEID , FORCED .    BACK  issue  &59 now down to 33 yrs  lgv , driving  manual handle goes with it . 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    I'm so sorry you are going through this @g7iqj

    I'm just wondering, have you reached out to anyone like Citizen's Advice or even your local MP for additional support? 
  • g7iqj
    g7iqj Online Community Member Posts: 99 Contributor
    edited September 2023
    MP  is waste time  he 1 them  who brought in current rules 2016 BENEFIT/ PENSTION REFORMS  .  TRUE CONSERVATIVE  MP &  1930s victortian  era  JCRM/ MOGG .   IAM  getting help from unite untion rep . AS  iam UNITE THE UNTION / TGWU member  . AS been member last 30 + yrs .  THANCKS  to all for support  in diffcuilt times .