Hi, my name is MeMyI!

MeMyI Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
Hello :smile: I am unsure if this is another 'obsession' but I am struggling and thought I would try to see if any kind of support network may help me understand myself. I have always struggled with social anxiety and I'm wondering if I could possibly be on the autism spectrum? There is a history of poor mental health in my family and whilst I feel completely at ease with them, I am aware that our ways can appear 'anti-social' and stand offish, when in fact (on my part at least) it is mostly fear of being too close to other people. I'm always seeking validation from others and so desperately want to be accepted and liked, often to the point where I people please to avoid offence or judgement. Life can seem so overwhelming and frightening at times and I long to just esape into my safe confines and live in a bubble of safety and contentment. I'm 48 and often feel I have to make excuses for the way I am, when what I really want is to just be accepted for who I am. Thanks for reading x


  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 59,306 Championing
    Hi @MeMyI welcome to the forum.  You can certainly be yourself here. Loads of topics to join in with and games if you like those.
  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 5,409 Scope Online Community Specialist
    Hi @MeMyI, I totally understand the validation seeking and the fear of rejection. Part of my ADHD is rejection sensitive dysphoria, the lengths I can go to just to avoid the merest possibility I've inconvenienced someone can be mind-boggling.

    I hope you find yourself comfortable here however, we try to make this as welcoming a place as possible. You'll find people discussing a lot of different topics in the Coffee Lounge 

    We're a fairly relaxed lot there, I hope you find a topic that piques your interest. Or perhaps a topic you'd like to start yourself :)