Cbt question

kj1892 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected
Hi I had a cat call today and the first question was how many kids under 18 their age dob address mums address well this took me by surprise I asked why and she said in case social services are involved I told her there not but she said she can’t carry on with my assessment unless I told her I said I don’t understand this is about me not the kids well this started my anxiety to go through the roof I was getting paranoid think does she think I harm my children am I not fit to be a dad are S S gunner say he’s mad take the kids 

so can anyone tell me is this standard question and why this is 



  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    hello @kj1892

    I'm so sorry that you felt like they were asking in an accusatory way. When people seek therapy and they have any dependents they have to be known. This is because they don't know what could be discussed in the session(s). They don't know you and I know that must have set off so many thoughts but it is asked of everyone. 

    When I had CBT sessions I was asked. I was also asked if I cared for someone. It's purely precautionary and it also helps you. They then know to take into account appointment times because you may be caring for dependents or unable to find care / cover for them. 
  • kj1892
    kj1892 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected
    Are thanks for getting back I understand all that but when I’ve been under the mental health and had numerous visits to the dr with anxiety and depression also been under the mental health in prison but yet my kids where never mentioned it just seemed odd that now after 27 years of this and my older kids where then under 18 but where never mentioned in this regard now my new younger ones are just a bit mad to me 
  • kj1892
    kj1892 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected
    It’s funny really when you think about because it was losing my eldest daughter at 3 years 9 months and going through alderhey organ scandal that has caused all these problems it’s been my children that have made strong 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    @kj1892 It may be because when under mental health they had access or be able to ask for access to that information, but this therapist possibly couldn't and needed to ask? 

    I hope the sessions continue and they serve you well. CBT really helped me. Keeping everything crossed! :) 
  • kj1892
    kj1892 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected
    R thanks again just 1 last question if it’s ok what if my ex doesn’t want me to give these details where does that leave me because apparently no details no therapy thanks
  • kj1892
    kj1892 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected
    I’ve done cbt in jail it doesn’t work for me the shrink said today I deffo have ptsd and high intensity trauma work but have to start with low intensity to get it ??????
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    @kj1892 I would call them up and explain that. That your ex partner as the other parent doesn't want the details taken. Then hopefully go from there :) 
  • kj1892
    kj1892 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected
    Thanks for getting back and thanks for your help I’ll what I can do