
Bettahm Online Community Member Posts: 1,441 Championing
So just found out for sure in email from transforming care that cmht have discharged me
Dont know when but not heard from them for six months so had guessed it
No reason given, but I know it.
Because I wouldn't do what they wanted me to do.
They said 'if you dont take our advise we cant help you' 
I didnt like their advise. It stressed me out and has made my anxiety worse
So much questioning and so much of their own agenda, not listening to me at all. No help with my mh conditions.
Then they dont even have the decency to tell me I'm discharged.
Been treated like dirt and left worse then when they started.
Watch them, they will try to take over your life. Total control freaks


  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,797 Championing
    Sadly, this happens with all medical services, it's happened to me several times now. 

    They have a very narrow window of 'advice' on just the most common conditions.  If you're unable to act on that advice, they will discharge you and claim that you either 'weren't ready' or have 'more complex needs'.

    There seems to be no flexibility in the system, or understanding of how multiple conditions can affect the treatment of each one.

    You may find a local service outside of the clinical environment to be more appropriate, but they vary massively depending on the area you live in.  I didn't find my local ones to be helpful at all.
  • Bettahm
    Bettahm Online Community Member Posts: 1,441 Championing
    Overly anxious
    This is what I've found out. The people treating mental health problems do not seem to have a clue
    So 'cure' for my agoraphobia among other similar suggestions was
    Come down to Asda and we will go in together, buy a bottle of milk and come out again'
    I struggle just to leave the house.
    But they dont listen.
    They wanted to get me 'socially included' too but I'm autistic, prefer my own company and find socializing distressing.
    Still they dont listen.
    I think transforming care are referring me to Integrated Place Based Teams but they sound similar to cmht
    Steps 2 Change, cmht, they all have a
    'One size fits all' agenda and do not address the problems of the individual. 
  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing
    I'm really sorry that your CMHT didn't take into consideration yourself when it came to helping you. I would have hoped that of all services within the NHS a CMHT would have people that understood each person is unique and needs their own approach to mental health. 

    Have you spoken to your GP or any other healthcare professional about what's happened? 
  • Bettahm
    Bettahm Online Community Member Posts: 1,441 Championing
    I do not get on with my gp I guess for the same sort of reason. They have no idea how to deal with someone who's autistic with mental health problems 
    Thay have messed up three referrals for me most recent to pain management for my scoliosis  ,simply refusing to do it. Rethink advised me to complain to pals and that has just made them do the referral so waiting to hear 
    I cant go to my gp because of my agoraphobia and anyway find the process of making an appointment to stressful
    But they make no allowances for that
    Transforming care referred me to cmht and it was them that let me know they discharged me months ago
    Sent email complaining bitterly but no response yet
    I'm really furious and if this is how they treat people with mental health problems people they are supposed to help and treat with respect and care instead of like dirt, Lord help us
    Five years I've been trying to get help.