Hi, my name is JaneB123!

JaneB123 Community member Posts: 2 Listener
Hello there
Im trying to word my PIP regarding my recent diagnosis of ADHD (57yrs) I’m realising that my depression & poor mental health has been due to undiagnosed ADHD!
My life choices I feel would have been so different if I’d known what was going on!
Has anybody got wording or help on this subject, I’m lost & getting really anxious & stressed the form needs to go back Wednesday & it’s Tuesday now!!!
Ta 😊


  • bg844
    bg844 Community member Posts: 3,883 Championing
    First of all, phone PIP today and ask for an extension: 0800 121 4433, option 6 (9am to 5pm). They usually grant extra time between 2-4 weeks. This is really important.

    See Citizen's Advice guides for help to fill in your form, I have found this pretty useful prior:

    Remember, there's no way to fill a PIP form in 'correctly', everyone is different and as long as you go in to full detail of how your conditions affect you, I trust you will be fine. Ideally, try and give two real-world examples of how your conditions affect your Daily Living and Mobility activities. You should also attach any relevant evidence with this form (nothing you have sent in before though, if any).
  • JaneB123
    JaneB123 Community member Posts: 2 Listener
    Thank you very much for your help 😊
  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 4,355 Online Community Specialist
    Hi @JaneB123, welcome to our community. I am going through a very similar experience as you! Admittedly I am only 30 but I got diagnosed with ADHD very recently. Now that I'm medicated and going through therapy with an ADHD specialist my depression and anxiety is so much better now. I am not sure how far you are into treatment if you've begun it yet, but for me it was life-changing. I too wish it had been caught when I was a kid, but can't have too many regrets now.

    Now, as I was reading I was preparing the advice to post in my head but lo and behold! bg844 has posted everything I intended to. Call PIP ASAP, when I applied they gave me an extra 10 days with the offer of more if I needed it. I also closely followed the citizen's advice that was linked above.

    Remember, describe real-life instances of how things affect you. Like for me with my ADHD, I could forget to take my medication. Which would lead to me being unable to do many tasks throughout the day. Which could also lead me to forget to take my Crohn's medication. Which risks my Crohn's flaring, which means I can do even less due to the physical pain, which risks me going to hospital if it flares badly enough.

    That's a very specific example to me, but remember to give these kind of examples but for your situation. And also how often they affect you.