Esa Review

steve69 Community member Posts: 50 Contributor
Excitingly the DWP contacted me by telephone this morning.
The review was started on the 7th July and they have finally realised I have changed my Drs.My fault!
They want to write to my new gp for further evidence.This Im unsure about as I sent then enough to write a book with!
Normal practice or are they gearing themselves for a face to face?
Thanks for replies.


  • bg844
    bg844 Community member Posts: 3,883 Championing
    DWP contacting someone's GP is rare, no one knows why they wish to write to them but normally they do this to see if they can make a new decision without having to see you (paper-based assessment, even rarer). If they don't think your GP's reply is satisfactory or still need points clarifying, you may still need an assessment and will be contacted about this. Face to face assessments aren't used as much as Telephone assessments nowadays too.
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,647 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hello @steve69, I'm glad there's finally some action on your review.
    Have they been trying to write to your previous doctors all this time? It's good the GP issue has been resolved, but it must have been frustrating for you to wait this long for any update.

    You don't have to give permission for them to write to your GP if you're not comfortable with it.
    However, I wouldn't say it necessarily means they are looking to do a face-to-face as I've seen them write to GPs for paper-based assessments, for face-to-face assessments and telephone assessments, too. 

    Were you hoping for a paper-based assessment?
  • steve69
    steve69 Community member Posts: 50 Contributor
    My last assessment was the rare paper based assessment and they’ve left me alone for 2.5 years.
    Lucky me.
    But what a wait!

  • steve69
    steve69 Community member Posts: 50 Contributor
    Finally received a letter.
    Now asking me to attend a telephone conversation with them.
    Now considering I sent them everything and in receipt of higher mobility with pip,can they actually put me in wrag group and take my pip away?
    Anyway I look forward to speaking to them and maybe answer with a few sarcastic comments!
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,394 Championing
    The majority of people have assessments. It won't affect your PIP because that's a different benefit. Yes, they can put you in the WRAG from the Support Group. Claiming PIP doesn't automatically place you in the Support Group.

    I can't say i'd advise you to answer some questions sarcastically.
  • steve69
    steve69 Community member Posts: 50 Contributor
    Thank-you Poppy!
    I shall try and be nice and not mention about joining the circus to be a trapeze artist!

  • steve69
    steve69 Community member Posts: 50 Contributor
    So the pre ring lady rang to let me know that someone will be ringing.
    Then the signal dropped 5 times and then the pre ring lady rang again moaning.
    I reiterated that the signal was awful today in Northumberland..and suggested she rang again.
    After some muttering she agreed and if no connection,I would have to ring to make a new appointment.
    I said how?..then call dropped bizarrely!
    After being grilled for 1 hour and twenty minutes.
    Relieved its all over.
    No timescale for decision!
  • chucky1
    chucky1 Community member Posts: 70 Connected
    Glad it's over for you but 1 hour 20 minutes wow that's a long time what did they ask you? My husband is still waiting to hear they've had his form since August and he's not heard 
  • steve69
    steve69 Community member Posts: 50 Contributor
    They asked everything.
    I had the impression they were trying to catch me out.
    At point she put me on hold to talk to another advisor.
    Have now received the TEXT!
    Received written report and will be in touch.
    How long now?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,394 Championing
    For ESA it’s up to about 12 weeks for a decision. 
  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 4,897 Online Community Team
    steve69 said:
    They asked everything.
    I had the impression they were trying to catch me out.
    At point she put me on hold to talk to another advisor.
    Have now received the TEXT!
    Received written report and will be in touch.
    How long now?
    It can be very stressful, well done for going through it though. It is done now, one more step forward!
  • steve69
    steve69 Community member Posts: 50 Contributor
    For everyone who’s been waiting.
    Finally got a letter to confirm that Ive been placed in the support group!
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,407 Online Community Team
    Congratulations @steve69 that must be a huge relief for you! 
  • steve69
    steve69 Community member Posts: 50 Contributor
    Been a long time waiting!😉
  • chucky1
    chucky1 Community member Posts: 70 Connected
    That's great news my husband is still waiting to hear regarding an assessment it's been 6 months 
  • perdita
    perdita Community member Posts: 107 Contributor
    Congratulations @steve69. I am so pleased for you. Must be a huge relief xx
  • Jram46
    Jram46 Community member Posts: 28 Connected
    So pleased for you @steve69 hope it’s many many  years until they contact you again 
  • chucky1
    chucky1 Community member Posts: 70 Connected
    How long after the assessment did you get a text to say report received and how long before you got the letter to say staying in support group