Second Capita Assessment..whats this all about ?

pillar48 Community member Posts: 35 Connected
Hi..i received a phone call to tell me that i have to do a second phone assessment through Capita.Has this happened to anyone else and does anyone have an idea as to why i have to go through this again.


  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,381 Championing
    Hi @pillar48 - I had this happen to me, with my first PIP claim, but it was a while back. The result was that I had 2 face to face assessments in 3 weeks! The same has happened to just a few of our members, but it does happen. The reason seems to be that the first assessment wasn't up to the standard it should be on the assessor's part. If it was of poor quality, as they do get checked every so often, then it's decided that a claimant needs another assessment.
  • pillar48
    pillar48 Community member Posts: 35 Connected
    chiarieds said:
    Hi @pillar48 - I had this happen to me, with my first PIP claim, but it was a while back. The result was that I had 2 face to face assessments in 3 weeks! The same has happened to just a few of our members, but it does happen. The reason seems to be that the first assessment wasn't up to the standard it should be on the assessor's part. If it was of poor quality, as they do get checked every so often, then it's decided that a claimant needs another assessment.
    thank you..was thinking it was automatically a bad thing.
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,381 Championing
    You're welcome. No, it's not a bad thing. Just not much fun having to go through another assessment!