If you were trapped in one scary movie, which would you choose?

Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
edited October 2023 in Coffee lounge

If I was trapped in a scary movie where I was involved in the storyline, I’d probably choose IT as Pennywise mainly goes after children. 

If I was watching the events unfold, then I’d like to see Laurie Strode kick ass in Halloween.

Which movie would you choose to be trapped in?


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,629 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    From a practical view, it's have to be Nightmare on Elm Street, as I don't sleep much.  :D

    Does Pans Labyrinth count as a scary movie?  That'd be a great world to explore...carefully.
  • rebel11
    rebel11 Online Community Member Posts: 1,669 Pioneering
    It would be the one that has a 'twist' at the end, the villain actually does a 'complete redemption' and becomes a 'Hero' of sorts. You feel sorry for the 'villain', leaves you thinking, why weren't you like that from the beginning.  

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,629 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Sounds like Return of the Jedi there @rebel11 :)
  • rebel11
    rebel11 Online Community Member Posts: 1,669 Pioneering
    edited October 2023
    Sounds like Return of the Jedi there @rebel11 :)
    Yep, when you've watched a lot of movies, your always looking for things that surprise. Even lesser known films, independent ones, etc.

    I watched a film with 'Zombies', guess what? the 'Zombies' in the film used the 'handrail' to climb stairs, everyone knows 'Zombies' don't use 'handrails'.  :)      
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,629 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Zombies! Ok now we're talking, that's my specialist subject with horror films haha. 

    I'd definitely pick The Walking deads universe over 28 Days Later if I had to be stuck in one of them. 
  • rebel11
    rebel11 Online Community Member Posts: 1,669 Pioneering
    I wonder if 'Zombies' need a spokesperson, I'd be so good, I know how to read a 'compass'.  :)  
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,992 Championing
    SAW but only as John Kramer's assistant because ashamedly I used to have a very sick mind and have lots of ideas to help him design some new and novel traps.
  • WelshBlue
    WelshBlue Online Community Member Posts: 770 Championing
    Texas Chainsaw Massacre ... got all the safety gear still, and still faster than Leatherface  :p
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    These are brilliant! Never thought of a Zombie movie. If it was a slow one I could outrun them! Well... maybe  :D
  • rebel11
    rebel11 Online Community Member Posts: 1,669 Pioneering
    These are brilliant! Never thought of a Zombie movie. If it was a slow one I could outrun them! Well... maybe  :D

    The big question that I'm going to ponder for sometime is do 'Zombies' have awareness of 'left' or 'right'? as they seem to 'zig zag' all over the place.

    I need to write a research paper on this.  :)   
  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 13,127 Championing
    None I don't like scary movies 
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,629 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    @Albus_Scope I'd definitely be taking TWD universe over 28 days. There was another zombie thing I saw recently that were the absolute worst I've seen but can't recall the name. They reanimated almost instantly and RANNNNNN with almost full naviation too. 
    Train to Busan had insta turning, fast zombies, they were actually pretty scary and I'm pretty hard to freak out!