Coffee lounge

lemonwatermelon95 Scope Member Posts: 9 Listener

ive been trying to find the coffee lounge. Is this it?  I’m a newbie. 


  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 3,345 Championing
    Hello @lemonwatermelon95 and welcome to the community!

    Yes, you've made it! If you take a look around Coffee Lounge we have lots of active games and chats to join in with, or feel free to start a new one if you'd like, just like you've done here :)

    If you have any questions about anything specific you can also take a look at all our categories, there's sections for all sorts of things.

    Hope you'll find the community friendly and welcoming!
  • lemonwatermelon95
    lemonwatermelon95 Scope Member Posts: 9 Listener
    Brilliant!  Thank you. 
    I’m keen to make friends and join in. I’ll have a scout around now I’m here. 
    I’ve found myself a bit lonely since covid as I lost some key people who really ‘got me’. I know a lot of people but this will be great to connect with others like me. 
  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 3,714 Championing
    edited October 2023
    I understand that struggle @lemonwatermelon95. Due to a change in job, me and my partner had to move 400 miles in-between lockdowns. We didn't really have a chance to rebuild a friends network and it has truthfully been a struggle. I'm forever grateful for the online communities I am in :) 
  • lemonwatermelon95
    lemonwatermelon95 Scope Member Posts: 9 Listener
    That must have been awful. @Jimm_Scope.  The world has become a tough place but we have to keep fighting for the good. 
  • C_J
    C_J Community member Posts: 715 Empowering
    Hi @lemonwatermelon95 and welcome to the forum it's a great place to chat and start a new thread. I hope you find your way around ok.
  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 3,714 Championing
    edited October 2023
    These forums are a touch different to most social media nowadays. Once you get your bearings and used to the difference I find it quite nice. You can just pay attention to the sections you're interested in.

    Places like this used to be the main kind of community before things like facebook, twitter and (showing my age maybe) myspace/bebo. It's quite the niche, you had to have used the internet before it became mainstream. Hopefully we can put up more guides to help people navigate.
  • AndyGT
    AndyGT Community member Posts: 782 Empowering
    Hello lemonwatermelon95 and welcome.  You will certainly find friends here.  You will find people who will listen, advise, joke and generally be there for anyone who wants it.  So, listen, askance participate.   The group is whatever you want.  Take care and look forward to hearing from you. 
  • lemonwatermelon95
    lemonwatermelon95 Scope Member Posts: 9 Listener
    Thank you. I’m already finding some lovely people.  I’m glad I’ve found you all. I must investigate some of the games. 
  • CPJimJam
    CPJimJam Community member Posts: 4 Connected
    Hello everyone I'm james I have a poem for my local bus company

    Our buses are red
    Our bushes are blue 
    Their never on time 
    So neither are you. 

    2023 has been a tough year for me physically and mentally but a bit of fun really helps me 

  • LML86
    LML86 Community member Posts: 14 Listener
    Hello my name is Lisa I'm new on here hope your all having a good day.