Advice on my pip award

pillar48 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected
I have just been awarded the lower standard daily living on my pip award and want some advice on what i should do next.I was awarded due to severe anxiety,depression which has me on a high does of an anti psychotic.I stated in my assesment that i cant do very much at home and i especially said i cant go out at anytime without someone with me.Im bafffled why i wasnt awared any mobilty.Do i proceed with a mandatory request or just leave things as they are.


  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    Only you can decide whether to proceed with a Mandatory Reconsideration, or not. Altho another decision maker will look at everything again, it would be very unusual indeed for your current award to be lowered.
    If you do decide to do a Mandatory Reconsideration you should try to give a detailed explanation of what happened the last couple of times you attempted going out on your own, & why you need someone with you. If you could say when this happened, what exactly happened, did anyone see this, & if there were any consequences to attempting this, that would help explain things. 
    You should also say how often you have difficulty with this descriptor, as PIP is how you are the majority of the time. I think you already understand this, as I see that your spouse can't leave the house without you, so you need the support of each other in order to go out?
  • pillar48
    pillar48 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected
    chiarieds said:
    Only you can decide whether to proceed with a Mandatory Reconsideration, or not. Altho another decision maker will look at everything again, it would be very unusual indeed for your current award to be lowered.
    If you do decide to do a Mandatory Reconsideration you should try to give a detailed explanation of what happened the last couple of times you attempted going out on your own, & why you need someone with you. If you could say when this happened, what exactly happened, did anyone see this, & if there were any consequences to attempting this, that would help explain things. 
    You should also say how often you have difficulty with this descriptor, as PIP is how you are the majority of the time. I think you already understand this, as I see that your spouse can't leave the house without you, so you need the support of each other in order to go out?
    thank you so much for has been such a help
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    You're very welcome