Leafy Challange?

onebigvoice Scope Member Posts: 865 Pioneering

We like a leafy challenge, at this time of year

The green trees are giving way, to their golden hue.

It’s a time of reflection, winds of change already  here

To blow off all those leaves, ready for next year.


All holidays are over, bonfire night went with a Bang

But how many know the reason, of how it all began.

There were some people not happy with the government back then

And decided to blow it up, right under old Big Ben.


The gunpower plot was hatched and boats were we all sent out.

But we has a chicken, who dispatched a letter, saying what it was all about,

Poor Guy Fawkes was found with 35 barrels of gunpower on guard, and was taken to the tower

Enough gunpower to reduce the place to rubble, and capture other conspirators as they fled London Town.  


The story does not end there, the conspirators were hunted high and low

And it was not until January 1606 the 8 that were caught, a bitter blow.

To be hanged, Drawn and quartered, the sentence of the day.

OH, what a way to go and be left on display.


It seems that history, is a morbid thing,

As people we remember did the most gruesome things

But there is light at the end, of this long tunnel we are in

As its coming up to Christmas with 46 days to go.


So shake off all this gloom and doom and start to plan that day

And put out all the decorations, get the kids to put them on display

Just remember who’s birthday it is, and spare a thought for others

And be charitable once in 364 days this year.


Whatever your religion, or if you don’t believe

Why are you not working its Tripple Time this year.

So get some dosh, and spend it

In a party to bring in the NEW YEAR.


  May I be the first to wish everyone Happy Christmas……

Sorry don’t like Xmas…….

COS this comes  from yes you guessed?

 It little ole OBV.



  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,096 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Thanks for sharing @onebigvoice! Can't believe it's so close to Christmas already!
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing

    Autumnal lament

    Now the days have become very, very short

    My daytime hours are exceedingly fraught

    I like the autumnal colours of the leaves

    But why can’t the leaves just stay on the trees?

    They fall on the path, plants, & my Welsh slate

    I see more lurking outside my front gate

    They blow down the lane all trying to reach me

    And I’ve got quite enough with the sycamore tree

    That grows alongside just where I do live

    And I see the dratted thing has more leaves to give!

    I try to ignore them for as long as I can

    But for leaves on the ground there should be a ban

    If I don’t collect them, they’ll be up to my knees

    Oh why can’t the leaves just stay on the trees?

    I enjoy the Summer, very much like the Spring

    But Autumn leaves falling again does bring

    More prolific than flowers & even any weeds

    And don’t get me going on sycamore seeds!

    Perhaps next year the trees will be kind

    I have had thoughts of superglue in mind

    The leaves could then change their colour at will

    Instead of me having a green bin to fill

    But I’ll be picking them up, then another breeze.....

    Oh why can’t the leaves just stay on the trees?

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,886 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Lovely words there @chiarieds and I totally understand your struggles.   :D

    Though my pet giant millipede loves all the freshly fallen leaves, so it's a great time for her at least.  :p 
  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,468 Championing

    I wish leaf-blowers had never been invented 
  • onebigvoice
    onebigvoice Scope Member Posts: 865 Pioneering
    Great poem, @ chiarieds loved it.  More please......
  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 13,411 Championing
    Love the poem's