Hi, my name is Sher4768!

Sher4768 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
Use a phone recording device for all your calls with DWP & Assessments, I do, you have the right to protect yourself! It's a huge shame it's come to this, but they are using scurrilous dirty tactics with claimants, so it levels the playing field! 


  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 5,409 Scope Online Community Specialist
    Hey @Sher4768, welcome to our community :) Recording an assessment/call can certainly be good evidence with cases. However, just for anyone reading I must remind you that you need to inform others on the call that you are recording them.

    You can ask in advance for it to be audio-recorded.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,569 Championing
    The most common reason for refusals or not scoring the points you perhaps should have is poorly completed forms. Rather than focus on recording the assessment what you shoud focus on is filling out the form with as much relevant information as possible. As well as include a couple of real world incidents of exactly what happened the last time you attempted each descriptor that applies to you.

    By doing this you are increasing your chances of not needing an assessment at all because it's possible they may have enough of information to do a paper based assessment. 

    Having been through 2 reviews for my daughter and one for myself, i did exactly as i advised above and achieved a paper based assessment for each one.

    Recording an assessment isn't going to guarantee and award. Also if you don't inform them that you're recording the assessment then you can't use it at a Tribunal.