Hi, my name is jennii1uk!

jennii1uk Community member Posts: 1 Listener
Hi looking for some advice. Back in april 2022 i was supplied a fit note from my doctor and applied for the uc dissability assessment due to my health, anyway i was unsucsessful so i asked for it to be looked at again , outcome was the same so i took it to a tribunal and still declared fit for work. I kept supplying fit notes and started the whole process again and this time i have been awarded lwcra, will i get back dated from april 2022 as my fit notes have been supplied from then? Very confused about all of it. 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,736 Championing
    edited November 2023
    You will not be owed money from April 2022 because for that decision you were found fit for work by DWP and a Tribunal. 

    I’m very surprised that they continued to accept the fit notes after you were found fit for work. 

    There will also be a waiting period of 3 full assessment periods and the extra money will be paid from the 4th month. Very difficult to advise if your fit notes have been continuous.