PIP - I need some help and advice about a tribunal

Myworld Online Community Member Posts: 19 Listener
edited December 2023 in Everyday life
Good evening Scoop community 

I'm wondering if there is any help available to help me with my PIP case or to perhaps be pointed in the right direction as to where I may be able to get assistance please. I have recently been assessed for my PIP claim which I think is called a review which never went in my favour after doing a mandatory reconsideration and providing a substantial amount of evidence it still never went in my favour, even through my condition has not changed but has worsened over the last 3 years which im affected by a large amount of health issues including musculoskeletal disorder musculoskeletal disease, arthritic hip, scoliosis, arthritis, skin disease, extreme chronic pain throughout my musculoskeletal which makes me have to lie down, ashma my health the list of issues I have is very long.

mobilise using aid which is crutches have balance issues problems with my legs knees feet alinement issues, I problems with sitting standing walking and lying down.

I have a carer who help me with my daily need and mobility! My assessment was carried out over the phone after being in receipt of PIP for the last 3 years I have acquired a mobility car which is adapted for my need is many of ways not having this car is going to stop me being able to get to appointments things like doctors hospitals physio, its going to stop my mobility and independence of doing just about anything I can do with my health conditions. I have my mobility car till the 28th of November at that point the mobility team will be collecting the car from my home address after this I will have no way of travelling as doing much walking brings extreme pain and discomfort. I have been advised by PIP or DWP I must appeal the decision through tribunal which I have already done so 1 week ago and providing all the evidence I did provide PIP and also some updated evidence which all show my conditions and what im affected by and that nothing in my condition has changed apart from them getting worser but are still the same as when I actually made the claim, is there anyone who can help me with my case I have a large amount of evidence which clearly shows my conditions many written letters from doctors many letter from hospital sicknote which I've been receiving for over 10 years and more not all my conditions have been mentioned here can someone please help this is going to have huge implications on my life is their any here who works with disabled persons as im classed as disabled i also have my Blue Badge. I was on enhanced PIP for both the daily living and mobility but after the assessment I now received just the daily living PIP which is at the standard rate

Thank you for listening 

Kind regards 



  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 4,753 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Hi @Myworld, sorry to hear about your PIP claim and losing your car, that sounds really difficult. Have you received a date for your tribunal or are you currently waiting? Apologies if I've misunderstood your post.

    Tribunals can be quite different from other stages of PIP, so I hope it provides you with a more positive result :)
  • Myworld
    Myworld Online Community Member Posts: 19 Listener
    Very difficult with my mobility issues and walking with multiple issues accurin at once. The car goes back on the 28th of this month I do not have a court date yet, the tribunal are awaiting a response from DWP I have sent a load of information on my health to the courts. I have so many conditions which the hospitals are still finding today through MRI scans their will be many more X-rays taken over the near future and future as well as many referrals. Can you help or no of any disability rights groups which may can help having lost my mom and dad I  recent years im finding this all difficult.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,346 Championing
    It could be at least several months, potentially longer before you have a hearing date. Sometimes DWP may make and offer of an award but it's rare they do this so please don't expect that to happen.

    Have you chosen to either appear in person or have a telephone/video hearing? Either of those will give you a 68% chance of a decision in your favour. Paper based hearings have a much less success rate of around 5-8%.

    This link will help you find an advice agency that's local to you. I'd advise you to look for either Welfare Rights or a Law centre. https://advicelocal.uk/welfare-benefits

  • Myworld
    Myworld Online Community Member Posts: 19 Listener
    I have chosen to personally be in court and video
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,346 Championing
    It's not a court, it's a Tribunal. You can't choose both, it's either in person or a video call.
  • Myworld
    Myworld Online Community Member Posts: 19 Listener
    Sure totally understand i selected all options as I really don't mind which one they choose but personally I would rather be their so they can personally see my appearance 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,346 Championing
    Most are by telephone but there’s no difference in the success rate of either of those 3. 
  • Myworld
    Myworld Online Community Member Posts: 19 Listener
    I totally understand thank you I may join one of the groups to see how others are coping with the same problem, again thank you all