Poem My Christmas Tree. (in the attic)

onebigvoice Scope Member Posts: 861 Pioneering
Well here it is hope you enjoy.

My Christmas Tree.  (in the Attic)


Well I’ve tried my luck,

the tree is up

It took a while you see,

 I had so many bags to find,

that one that had the tree.

Its not just pull it out the box

And place it on a stand

There just seem to be things not here

And just not to hand

In a bag there was the tinsel

A mess when pulled out of the bag

But now it’s on the Christmas tree

It doesn’t look that bad

The lights on next, you should have a test

But they all said, “OH NO”,

But I’m glad I did, and plugged it in

Because there was no show.

Now spending time to find the bulb

The one that stop the switch on

To find my wife had put the wrong plug in

And switched the fish tank and the electric kettle?

Well after I found the error of the plug

And plugged the right one in

The twinkling lights  of those Christmas light

Made all the kids cheeks glow

Well by now I had enough, this was I hope a one off

And ready to watch the Telly

Oh no she said you can make a start

 on all the Christmas decorations.

I’ve got an idea, I said

Lets let the kids have a go, after all they are tall enough

 to reach the side windows and all the walls.

The kids said can we, PLEASE…., OH let us have a go,

Come on love, its only Christmas, once a year.

 OBV (24/11/2023.
