Pip tribunal

Baileyboy74 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
edited November 2023 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Won my appeal after 14 months & appeal panel asked such stupid questions. How does your partner call you when you’re at work? By phone 🙈


  • Baileyboy74
    Baileyboy74 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    On the day they sent me link to another woman’s case and It felt like I was on 24 hrs in police custody. Glad it’s over no another wait for Dwp to get its act together and pay me 😤
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,735 Championing
    Great news. I don't think that question about your partner ringing you when at work is a stupid question. Some people can't receive phone calls when they are in work, unless they are on a break. I know i can't phone my daughter when she's in work because her employer doesn't allow it.

    It can take up to 8 weeks to receive what is owed and to put your award into payment.
  • Baileyboy74
    Baileyboy74 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    I drive an Hgv so I can receive calls and that my partner reminds me to make sure I’ve taken meds etc and when my partner was asked she explained she’s the manager of her department ( which the panel member replied SO, )  so it’s not an issue and then the disability member of panal then asked me how does she call you. So I said by phone, that’s what I meant by a stupid question. Some people have a decent panel and decent outcome but my experience of the whole process was a bad one and I felt like they didn’t take any notice of my evidence and didn’t ask me the questions I thought they would with the evidence they had, instead I got hyperthetical questions and I can’t answer them as my brain doesn’t work that way. So all in all it was a bad experience and they scored me standard 9 points daily living & nothing else. Haven’t got the mental strength for it again so that’s it for me. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,735 Championing
    I'm sorry you didn't have a good experience. The majority of people have good outcomes and good experiences.

    Unfortunately, with a Tribunal you can't just challenge the decision because you think it's wrong. First you need to request the Statement of Reasons and Record of Proceedings within 1 month of the date of the decision. Once you receive those you need to find someone to take a look to see if they can find the error in law. If they can't then you can't take it any further. I realise you said you didn't have anymore strength but just wanted to make you aware of this.
  • Baileyboy74
    Baileyboy74 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    I am aware and thanks for the info, I’m not going to contest it, I’m just disappointed with how it is, it was a long slog and having to prove my disability’s and be made to feel like I’m cheating the system when I’ve worked all my life and I have struggled the whole way but I kept going, it wasn’t a nice feeling at all. The build up was tuff on my mental state and the thought of having to talk to people I’ve never met was hard, and when the time came I couldn’t say what I wanted and when it was over it was, “you should have been awarded at the beginning” it felt like I was vindicated. The judge was a nice lady, so a wins a win but it’s something I don’t want to do again unless the system changes and it’s made fair from the beginning but I won’t hold my breath. Anybody with a tribunal coming up I wish you all the best and don’t give up and make sure your heard. ❤️
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,695 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Hey there @Baileyboy74 and welcome to the community. How're you today?

    I can see one of our lovely regulars is helping out, but I just wanted to stop in and say hi and I'm sorry to hear you didn't have a great time with the panel, that seems a rare occurrence.

    If you need any other help, please just ask, or if you fancied just chatting and getting to know people, our 
    Coffee Lounge category is great.  
  • beck2022
    beck2022 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Just wondering if you have any update on this our timelines are very similar 
  • Lisha1234567
    Lisha1234567 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    Hi I'm not sure if I'm in the right section here but I just need somewhere to vent and just abit of support really :( I had my tribunal today after waiting a year turned up and they were running a hour late (in that time I had a panic attack :( ) finally got in the room to have my say and they say they will have to adjourn the hearing today because they need more medical evidence 😢I did send it a letter from my doctor and she covered everything so not sure what more evidence I can send in 😔 just abit of background I have depression, anxiety disorder, ibs and hypothyroidism. Just feeling so drained now I honestly thought today it would be over even if the outcome wasn't good news it would of been over 😔 thank you for listening and sorry if I'm in the wrong post x
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,735 Championing
    @Lisha1234567 I’m sorry it was adjourned. It does happen sometimes. 

    If the letter you sent was from your GP then I can see why they are asking for more evidence. Letters from a GP aren’t the best to send because they don’t see you manage the PIP activities daily. They don’t see you wash, dress, engage with others, make budgeting decisions etc etc. They will only know something if you’ve told them, which would be more “hearsay”

    What medical evidence are they asking for? Sometimes they will ask for information from specific dates, have they asked for this? 
  • Lisha1234567
    Lisha1234567 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    I totally understand what your saying. They said they will write to me with directions of what medical evidence they need. I just don't have any more than what I sent I don't think :( so I'm assuming if I haven't got what they need I will have to just withdraw the appeal 😔 just been such a long road and feels like it's been for nothing sadly x
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    I'm so sorry to hear that @Lisha1234567 I hope you have rested up since?

    Have you got support around you with the process? I hope the community can continue to be a place of support for you <3
  • Lisha1234567
    Lisha1234567 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    Aww thank you so much means alot ❤️ I do feel better today. I have had the directions from the judge aswell they want 2 years medical record but have said even with out this they will still go ahead with the tribunal. I have emailed the doctors this morning and asked for this as I have no problem at all with them seeing my med records but i just don't think their will be anything in their that would help my case more. 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    @Lisha1234567 I actually think having two years of records can also speak for itself. I wish you all the best with the tribunal <3 Please keep us updated :) 
  • Lisha1234567
    Lisha1234567 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    Thank you 😊 I certainly will update u ❤️
  • Lisha1234567
    Lisha1234567 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    I've recently requested a paper based tribunal I attended for a oral but it got adjourned because they want 2 years medical evidence which I'm currently trying to get off the doctors but have told me it will be a 3 week wait or more 😫 I can't go back in person (recently attended 1 a few months ago for uc) now this 😔 it's really put a strain on my health mentally and physically (doctors suspected I had a stroke) a&e said they don't think it was but alot has been going on health wise 😢 can they refuse a paper based hearing? If so I will sadly have to give up the fight because my health is more important ❤️thank you for listening.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,735 Championing
    You can request a telephone hearing rather than appear in person. Telephone hearings have the same success rate as in person ones, at about 68%.

    I don't advise you to request a paper based hearing because those have an extremely low success rate of only about 5-8%.
  • Lisha1234567
    Lisha1234567 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    I did think this I have heard the success rate for paper based are low. I will request the telephone call when they have responded. Thank you for your reply 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,735 Championing
    I wouldn't delay changing it from paper based to telephone if i were you, i would do that ASAP. Paper based decisions can be made at anytime.
  • Lisha1234567
    Lisha1234567 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    Will do it first thing tomorrow. Can they refuse the paper one or the telephone? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,735 Championing
    Your hearing won't be refused. They will always prefer you to either appear in person or have a telephone/video hearing, rather than paper based.