Looking for groups/forums to speak about accessibility and who do I speak to at the council?

disabledkenny Online Community Member Posts: 56 Contributor
edited July 2024 in Everyday life
Here in Oldham a lot of the buildings open to the public such as shops, cafes, restaurants, pubs, etc are not accessible to wheelchair users, prams, people with walking difficulties & sensory impaired people, also lack of facilities for wheelchair users.
In the town centre the public highways (pavements) have dropped curbs but surrounding areas have not got them, it took me 2.5 years to campaign for dropped curbs for my local community, does any one know of any nation wide (UK) organisations, forums or groups that I can join, I have set up Oldham Access Forum on Facebook groups but no one seems to be interested.
Also does any one know which department or who I should contact in my local council please as I brought this subject up with my MP & local councillors & they do not know.
Any advise would be appreciated, thanks Kenny.


  • newborn
    newborn Online Community Member Posts: 828 Trailblazing
    When SirT Phillips was himself in charge of Equalities, he remarked that of all the 'equal' equalities, racism is accepted as being unthinkable, but disability discrimination is "invisible, widespread, publicly accepted, universally practiced, and institutionalised" 

     (As a matter of fact he himself did not notice that ageism is virtually mandatory public policy, and age hate a routine accepted practice.  Also, that disability discrimination is itself often ageist, since there is a large overlap between the groups, affecting older people disproportionately)

    Premises open to the public have been legally obliged to be accessible,  since the original Disability Discrimination Act.   

    The big problem is that by definition, disability discrimination is in virtually all cases INdirect.  There would need to be a council policy meeting to devise ways to ban a particular race group from the High Street, but you can make it impossible for disabled people, simply by failing to provide disabled parking spaces, or not enough. Easy, and not even intentional. 
  • newborn
    newborn Online Community Member Posts: 828 Trailblazing
    P.S. Kenny, power to your elbow. Do you read Disability News? You are not alone, though it feels like it.  Though sadly, disability campaigners were rightly described as "dashing their lives away in futile effort, against the cliffs of official indifference".  For what it is worth, I have always used the comparison with racism simply because officials 'get it'. 

    They agree "Of course it is unlawful. Of course it is reprehensible. Of course our organisation would never dream of something so wrong"....  so wrong as Racism, is what they mean. Discriminating against Age, or against Disability, is what they do NOT mean. 
  • MW123
    MW123 Scope Member Posts: 944 Championing


    I truly respect your dedication to ensuring there are lowered kerbs and improved shop accessibility in your community. Have you explored Oldham's vision for 15-minute cities? If they are genuinely committed to this concept, I believe your request for lowered kerbs and enhanced shop access aligns seamlessly with their vision. 

    In my own town I have observed a growing trend among older individuals, even those without disabilities, opting for mobility scooters instead of replacing their cars. The demand for pathways featuring lowered kerbs has never been more crucial. Businesses willing to adapt their building layouts and doorways I am sure in time will view it as a strategic investment. 

    Consider reaching out directly to Oldham Council to inquire about opportunities to participate in focus groups where you can engage in meaningful discussions with like-minded individuals. After a quick review of Oldham Council's website, it's evident that they anticipate a 30% growth in the older population over the next two decades. Your advocacy could play a vital role in highlighting the needs of disabled individuals. The council's ambitious vision for Oldham by 2030, outlined in the link below, further underscores the importance of your efforts. 
