Removing/changing Council Appointee

QuadRebuild Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited January 26 in Benefits and income
Hi all, 

I'm working with a family currently who have a social services appointee that manages their Son's benefits. When the Son had his accident, Mum and Dad were primarily focused on his health and wellbeing, so they chose to delegate the money side of things to a local government appointee, assuming this would be a convenient and transparent arrangement.

Fast forward a couple of years, and it seems the relationship and level of transparency between the appointee and the family is quite poor. From what I've been told; the Son still isn't receiving PIP because the appointee took months to send the forms off. Sometimes payment does not go in when it is due and Mum/Dad have to make numerous phone calls to the appointee, I have seen call logs to support this yet it seems the appointee does answer the phone to a withheld number. Additionally the amount that the son receives seems to differ week to week with no explanation.

It does seem there has potentially been a breakdown in the relationship between the two parties and my first port of call will be to contact the appointee, hear her side of the story and see if that relationship can be repaired. If this isn't possible and it seems the appointee is not operating in a way that is conducive to the claimants best interests: I would like to know what would be the process of removing her appointee status and passing this over the the claimants Mum.

I have been told another capacity assessment would have to be done with the claimant- but are there any processes by which the current appointees conduct could be reviewed and, if found to not be in the best interest of the claimant, the family could request that Mum be made an appointee?

I appreciate I have little understanding of this situation and would be grateful for any advice offered.

Thank you.


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,327 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Hi there @QuadRebuild and a belated welcome to the community. 

    I can see no one was able to offer any advice on this, so I just wanted to check in and see how things were progressing?