Received PIP award text but letter hasn’t been sent out.

cheychey96 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
edited December 2023 in PIP, DLA, and AA

im just wondering if anyone can shed some light, last Friday I got a pip text saying I was awarded it, few weeks after winning my tribunal. I rang them today and was told the letter hasn’t been sent out. 

Is this right? As I’ve been relying on what I’m owed since July 2022, so the lump sum they owe. 

The automated voice told me how much and when I’ll receive it. 

However I’m still confused. 


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,327 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Hiya @cheychey96 and welcome to the community!

    Firstly congratulations on your PIP award, that's excellent news!
    Regarding the payments, I believe they can sometimes take up to eight weeks to finalise and get paid out to you.  So just hold on, it'll be coming! 
  • cheychey96
    cheychey96 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    Thought that would of been for the regular payment not the lump sum I’m owed?
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,327 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    With both my tribunal wins, it still took a fair few weeks after the win for money to arrive in my bank account.  It can take a while as they need to calculate the final lump sum then get the letter sent out, plus backlogs of course.  But in both cases the money arrived in my bank a day or two before the letter arrived. 
  • cheychey96
    cheychey96 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    It’s been 6 weeks nearly 🤣🤣
  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 5,409 Scope Online Community Specialist
    I think it can take between 8-12 weeks, I'll try to double check that for you as the information has escaped my mind just now!

    I'll move this over to our PIP section, someone there will surely know
  • cheychey96
    cheychey96 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    Yeah it does say after a tribunal the lump sum should come within 4-6 weeks 
  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 5,409 Scope Online Community Specialist
    Is that from decision or from when the DWP get the letter from HMCTS? As that can take a week or two itself I believe.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,398 Championing
    Is that from decision or from when the DWP get the letter from HMCTS? As that can take a week or two itself I believe.

    DWP are informed digitally about a Tribunal hearing decision, at the same time HMCTS also send the decision letter to the claimant.

    Usually the decision letter from DWP at the same time the award is put into payment. I would then expect a text to be sent the following morning. All you can do is try ringing PIP again but please remember, you're speaking to someone from a call centre, who don't always give the correct information.