Universal credit migration help

Matt1982 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Connected
We are currently claiming tax credits and have recently received a managed migration to universal credit notice. Our son has been awarded DLA higher rate care and I am currently claiming Carers Allowance. My partner works and is earning about £100 less per month than the 30 hour threshold to what I've read would be part of the universal credit claimant commitment for the 'main carer '. 

Am I correct in thinking that my partner can still be nominated as the main carer for our children(as we have 2 in total) even though I claim carers allowance for our son? Will we be sanctioned if the wage is not increased to the 30 hour level or will they take into account that we both have caring responsibilities for our child?

Thank you for taking the time to read!


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    As you're claiming carers allowance for your one son then you will not have any work commiments yourself. Your partner will not be classed as the main carer for your other child. For UC there's no minimum amount of hours you can or can't work, it's based on earnings received each month.

    Current AETs are £677 (single) and £1083.(couples)
    These are (or were!) due to go up in "Autumn 2023" to £812 and £1309.
    In April, these will go up to £892 and £1437.
    Then at some point next year, the couples rate will be cancelled, and each claimant will only ever be put in the light touch regime based on their own earnings.

    They won't sanction you for earning less that that amount but work focused interviews maybe required if earnings are less than this. It will really depend on what their commiments are set at by their work coach.
  • Matt1982
    Matt1982 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Connected
    Thank you for your reply it's very helpful. When you say my partner won't be classed as the main carer for my other child, do you mean that she won't be classed as having parental responsibility in her hours for her claimant commitment? So 30 hours I understand it?