Hi, my name is avellinoituk!

avellinoituk Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
Hi this what happened to me by Northern railway conductor total discrimination https://youtube.com/shorts/LoKHNzmtFLM?si=ThoJG8jMfNsZh8tm


  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 5,409 Scope Online Community Specialist
    Hey @avellinoituk, I felt quite a few things seeing that video. I have Crohn's disease, so often when in public I do use the disabled toilets. I often worry if someone will come up to me and ask if I am disabled. I've only actually had it happen once but it's always in the back of my mind when I use a disabled toilet in public. 

    To me it's nearly always ignorance. People have this idea in their head of what a disabled person "should look like". To them a ramp is only required by people in wheelchairs, though I know my mother-in-law really struggled to get on and off trains in certain stations after her hip replacement. She could walk on flat surfaces or ramps but could not do stairs, as an example I know of someone who might need the ramp but not be in a wheelchair.

    It's ignorance and a lack of empathy, they should know better. Have you spoken and complained to Northern about this? If you already have and not got anywhere there is the Rail Ombudsman you can escalate it to.

    I'm not sure if it will help, but train companies and railway stations do have to comply with certain policies. I found them on the Office for Rail and Road site.