Hi, my name is germi65!

germi65 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
Hi I was left with a left sided weakness after a TIA in 2020 currently I’m on UC PIP and LCWRA thankfully I’m still mobile and capable of running my own life albeit with some caveats 


  • germi65
    germi65 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    I’m starting to feel really depressed due to financial difficulties, i live alone and have carers twice a day for 45m each visit, 
  • germi65
    germi65 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    I have social anxiety issues which restrict my willingness to go out send be social even shopping has become something that I don’t like to do 
  • germi65
    germi65 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Beaver79 said:
    Hi @germi65 Welcome to the Community. Have you mentioned to your GP your social anxiety?
    We are a friendly and supportive forum where we can be. Have a look around and join in when you are ready. If you have any questions please ask. Take care.
    Yes I’m on medication for my anxiety but I still don’t like to be in social situations like coffee mornings etc because I always need help in some way and it’s hard to adjust when you have lived so long on your own independence 
  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 5,409 Scope Online Community Specialist
    Hi @germi65, welcome to our online community :) I see you've already met some of our other members!

    Sorry to hear about your loneliness, I know it can be a struggle when it's difficult to get out and about. You mentioned that you're on medication from your GP, have you spoken to your GP about therapy? I know some NHS trusts offer forms of group sessions where you can meet others, some online and some in-person. 

    Sorry if you've already tried this route, let us know how you're getting on
  • germi65
    germi65 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    I do actually receive a good amount of support it’s my other difficulties that are due to my impairment that I can’t dress myself that impair my willingness to get out there 
  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 5,409 Scope Online Community Specialist
    I understand that. I wonder if there's any kind of adaptable clothing that would make it possible to get dressed?

    Also, I understand the financial difficulties and stress. I went through a really difficult financial period many years ago. Hope you're doing okay @germi65
  • germi65
    germi65 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    im not aware of any such clothing, basically if you are wearing a jumper take it off and then try to put it back on without moving your left arm ! usually wear matching sets of a top and jogging pants type of clothing a,lso wearing jeans or trousers if difficult due to not been able to fasten buttons , you can also try this unbutton and then try to fasten only using one arm and hand see how it goes 
  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 5,409 Scope Online Community Specialist
    I wasn't sure of your exact impairment sorry. I know it's difficult with only just one hand, my grandfather lost most of his fingers on one hand and we (me and siblings) often had to help him out as kids. 

    If I remember correctly he had a shirt that used small magnets instead of buttons! Not sure how common that is to get though. I think I've seen adaptive shirts that can use velcro too. They often have fake buttons on the top so it looks buttoned up, but it's actually velcro underneath. If they do it for shirts I wonder if there is the same for jeans and trousers?

    I'll try to take a look for you. Sorry if I upset you, I know it can be frustrating when someone comes along and says "have you tried this!" and says something you've heard a hundred plus times. 
  • germi65
    germi65 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    thanks for your suggestions , and yes it dies become tiresome when people however good-willed tell me to try something that I have obviously tried over and over, or would still find it difficult to achieve , like if I say I have social anxiety they then suggest various social groups I could join , like yeah if I wasn't anxious about it maybe I would have already joined !