Esa has not gone in????

Natasha88 Community member Posts: 1 Listener
I'm at my witzend as my esa has not gone in yesterday! 
I was supposed to get it on the 26th December but with it being boxing day they never put it in yesterday. 
They are closed till next Wednesday, has anybody else not had theirs as I'm gutted as broke now till then. 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,491 Championing
    Mine was due on 27th and had mine yesterday. Did you ring them yesterday to tell them that you didn’t receive it? 

    Do you have family or a friend you can borrow some money from? 

    If you live in England or Wales the phone lines do not open until Thursday 28th. If in Scotland they open on 27th. 
  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 4,532 Online Community Specialist
    edited December 2023
    Hi @Natasha88, first of all welcome to the community! I'm sorry your money hasn't gone in. I know from experience how stressful being broke is. 

    As Poppy has said, is there anyone you can get help from till then? Do you have enough food to last you till the 27/28th? If not there may be some local foodbanks you can get food from. Let us know if that's a concern!