Has Adult Services breached the law?

XYD89 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
Hi, I'm not really sure where to start but was wondering if Adult Services has breached the law?

I have multiple on going issues, such as issues with my housing, and a major issue, my mental health.

I have Autism/Asperger's, and other issues, one being my mind is a mess, I'm not thinking clearly or right.

My housing association is trying to evict me..

My GP has stated I shouldn't be living here, that I'm isolated and that this property is affecting my mental health. It's miles to the nearest shop, the nearest supermarket is over 8 miles away..

Adult Services got involved due to it, then a care team contracted by Adult Services to help me move/manage my home.

The care team worked with shelter to stop the eviction, but I was awarded a back pay in PIP.. The care team told me to get rid of the money, not thinking right, I gave the money away, many thousands... They said if I did this shelter would help me, but shelter couldn't defend the case as I was given it.

I was allowed to stay in my home, as long as I kept it clean, and worked with the care team.

Cleaners came in and cleaned my home to help me, but binned my microwave, I was left with no means to cook for a week. The care team ignored me being upset about this and just said wait till I get paid and buy another, ignoring the fact, I had no means to cook/eat..

The landlord then offered me a mutual exchange, having no transport, or people to help I asked the care team who came for a meeting at home, they said yes to helping me move.. during this meeting my mother was on the phone, it was recorded with her consent. (this will play importance later) I also reported that downstairs, was banging 24/7, he was making the building shake by riding stunt bikes inside. They ignored this..

The issue with downstairs came to heads, when he got upset at me playing music to cover his banging, so I could sleep. I played this during the day only.. he threatened me and slashed my door with a knife but the care team showed no care.. they didn't even phone back or ask if I was ok.

A letter of support was promised to help me move, but the care team failed to send me it or tell me about it.

Weeks passed, growing upset, I asked for proof of them contacting my landlord, no response.

I threatened to cancel my service as a last desperate attempt to make them listen.. nothing.

I raised a complaint with the care team, two months later they admitted my service was cancelled by my request. I stated I threatened to as a desperate attempt to make them listen, they admitted they were in the wrong and shouldn't have cancelled it.. they admitted at the very least they should have held a meeting or sent a letter.

They then went on to say I had refused the mutual exchange.. hence not contacting my landlord, I told them I had audio recordings of the meeting due to the call with mum, on which you can clearly hear me say yes and that they would handle it.

The care team then accused me of making illegal recordings, but this wasn't a phone call to them and it was within my home/not a public setting so their consent wasn't required. They finally accepted the recording, and agreed with everything I said. They admitted they had failed me, and not given me the service as promised. They admitted this caused me distress..

They said they would try and put things right.

During this time the council got involved in regards to the house being damp/mouldy/leaking and as the landlord didn't carry out repairs.

A few months later, my landlord again tried to evict me.. their reason being because the care team cancelled my service and I couldn't manage my home.

During this time, I had a disability car, I was learning to drive as I had no friends/family to help me.. I had to cancel this due to the stress of having to pack my home every few weeks. I lost over £2000 on this.

Adult Services then done a care act report, saying I need daily support.. They failed to give me this report, and for the past 7 months I've been left without support when they claim I need daily support.

The landlord decided not to evict me again..

I then started getting mental health support, only for them to say the landlord planned to evict me again.....

Adult Services agreed to come to my home with the care team (now 6 months since they stopped support) in the hopes of putting a plan in action and to put support back, they agreed to talk to the landlord asking why I'm being evicted..

The landlord told Adult Services, they weren't evicting me.

Adult Services failed to tell me this, and for weeks I was stressing out, I had multiple breakdowns, and self harmed but Adult Services never replies.

The landlord then promised support.. during this time an occupational therapist wrote a report, stating this home is a risk to me and that I need an adapted ground floor home to prevent falls. The report states I cannot live in flats/shared accommodation due to my issues.

Days later, shelter calls stating I'm being evicted again..... I had a large breakdown, and got very upset. I injured myself, pretty badly, and broke bones, this was confirmed by others after seeing the injuries. Due to no transport, I couldn't get to a hospital.

I told Adult Services, who took days to reply, and then offered no support..

Due to the eviction, Adult Services now insisting I live in a residential/supported home, something the occupational therapist states is not suitable for me.

I refused this, based on the report made. That, and someone had been murdered in this very care home not long ago.

Adult Services are now claiming I've refused their support, but I feel the care act/law may have been broken on how I've been treated?

I've made complaints, but nothing is happeneing, I'm losing my mind.

Is there anything I can do?


  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing
    Hi @XYD89, I usually start with "welcome to the community" but your story has stunned me. You have been failed. Multiple times. I'm sorry this has happened to you, it shouldn't have. 

    Have you spoken to the Care Quality Commission at all? Have people signposted you to it? I would contact them, they are basically an ombudsman/inspector for health care and social care in the UK. They are the organisation who would investigate into this for you. They have a number of different ways you can contact them.

    How are you doing today? You've been through a lot, you can vent here.

    And finally, welcome to the community. I hope we can find you the help you need. I hope you can contact the Care Quality Commission if you haven't already and get their help with this. It sounds like something they should really be looking into.
  • XYD89
    XYD89 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    edited December 2023
    Thank you for the reply Jimm. I feel I've been let down too.. more than should be acceptable.

    I contacted the CQC about the care team in August before many of these new issues occured, the care team was offering support in my home, which I assumed would be supported living. The CQC replied with: 

    Our understanding is that the service mentioned is not providing a regulated activity under this Act, meaning that they are exempt from registration with us. As a result of this, we are unfortunately unable to act upon the concerns raised as they fall outside of our regulatory remit.

    As to how I feel? I'm at a loss. My lifes been put on hold, I've lost my freedom, there's no buses here after 5pm so I can't go out in the evenings.

    My GP did phone me earlier tonight, but I don't feel confident they can help more as they already done letters, I know my landlord, and even shelter have raised safe guarding concerns with me. But the Adult Services team never contact me unless I contact them, I really feel it shouldn't be my job to prompt them for support..

    Their care act assessment, says I need daily support, it's dated July this year, but I've had zero support other then them coming to discuss support that never arrives, or by making promises they never keep, I really feel they have broken the law but I don't know where to stand.

    I appreciate the warm welcome Jimm.

  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing
    edited December 2023
    @XYD89, Ah. I think I see why, they don't directly provide the care do they?

    Then I think what you want is the Local Government Ombudsman. They do handle Adult Social Care, they have a full list of what they can investigate.

    Might they be the right people to contact? 

    I hope they can help get things looked into if so.

    Have you tried your MP at all? If they are one of the MPs that help their constituents.