Hi, my name is AntonyTilt! I have put in for an autism test as an adult through the GP

AntonyTilt Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener
edited January 2024 in Start here and say hello!
Hi I am an adult and believe I have asperge's and OCD from an early age.  Due to the issue not being addressed from an early age I believe  have been misdiagnosed and have been under mental health for years.  I don't specifically have learning difficulties which is why I have asperge's.  From an early age I did have learning difficulties but was not called that then as we are going  back some time but did have symptoms of autism.  As far as asperge's, it was only bought about quite recently and so could not be addressed at the time when I was a child.  I have put in for an autism test as an adult through the GP and may have a late diagnosis of autism as a a middle aged adult.  The other thing is I have been doing quite a lot of research as an adult  Antony Tilt


  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    Hello @AntonyTilt

    Welcome to the community! I am keeping everything crossed for you with your autism assessment. How are you feeling about it all? 
  • AntonyTilt
    AntonyTilt Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener
    Hi Hannah  I'm feeling Ok about it but I find the tick box questions didn't go far enough as it missed a lot about when I was a child, the more I think about it, the more I remember and I can relate to what I have researched   The general question paper was 50 question with 4 outcomes on each question, in other words, fully Agree to Disagree etc   All the best Antony Tilt
  • rainbowsend_46
    rainbowsend_46 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    Hello Anthony,  I am going through the same...just submitted my questionnaire at 54! In my family we always believed my father was autistic and with 4 girls it had a  really profound impact on us all. I ran into trouble with my only daughter during lockdown she had a mental health breakdown...she thinks I am autistic...I am putting myself on the line no idea of what to expect next...how long? What's involved....feel I owe her an answer....
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,886 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    The questionnaire is just to get a rough idea of things. My assessment lasted nearly two hours and they got quite in depth with me. So you will have the chance to chat and ask more questions. My questionnaire also asked for information regarding my youth, so I had to ask my mother lots of questions.

    I received my diagnosis on my 44th birthday. So I'm wishing you all the best for your assessments. :)